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Joined 2002
Just a quick point, RS cannot be beaten for overnight delivery of obscure components, their overnight delivery has saved my bacon more than once or twice when kit has gone down whilst on the road.

As for the packaging, as others have said, that is a price you have to pay for the flexible ordering and delivery service they have. And, as others have also said, you can easily recycle the paper.

As for the AS packaging, yes it is a little wasteful, but it must cut down greatly on returned faulty orders.
Thats very true...with a small addition, Farnell actually stocks an even bigger number of even more obscure parts.

True. They also don't seal every tranny in a ESD bag.

One important point. Farnell semis seem to be of prime qaulity at least in appearnce. RS ones can be old or look like seconds.

I fund it incedible that busy people don't mind opening 50 sealed bags when RS is stupidly unique in doing this.

I have never had a semi destroyed by static, over 35 years. In fact, many suppliers push them onto static prone styrofoam blocks.

:smash: :smash: :smash:
Hi -
I both agree and disagree..

1) The packaging policy is environmentally bad, and inconvienient - I agree completely with this.

2.) Rip-off prices .. The prices are high, but no (sane) business would buy from these distributors for production runs - they (should) only buy at these prices when the ease and speed of delivery justifies it - In cases like I have just had, where I had 3 days to complete a project (design to prototype) I was able to order parts at 9pm and have them at my door the next morning - yes, the costs were huge - but about 1/100th of what my losses would have been if these suppliers had not been there, I had not completed on time, and I had lost the subsequent order.

These suppliers deal only with businesses - you pay what they say you will pay - If you dont like or need their services, no-one is forcing you to use them.. they do NOT have a monopoly.

Rip-off, as far as I understand the term, implies dishonesty and/or desception - I think that use of this term against these suppliers is unjustified.. You would lose if you had to defend such a statement in court.

Fred. (and no - I do not work for, or have any interest in any distributor!)
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