Oh Shoot! Did I Kill a Channel?

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Here is an update. I have been checking the channel 1 output board because I have been receiving some weird data from it. Here is a copy of the email that I sent Crown support regarding this issue:


Thanks for the schematic, however I think that there is some damage somewhere else in the amplifier... namely the channel 1 output board. Whenever I turn on the amplifier, the voltage of resistor R31 always jumps to around 500-550mv and static is emitted from the channel. When this happens, DC offset jumps to .300mv on the channel.

After the amp is turned on, I can adjust R26 so that the voltage of R31 decreases to around 310 mv, however the voltage across R31 always increases after a power cycle. Note that when I adjust R26 so that R31 is in spec, the static through the channel goes away.

The voltage of resistor R31 on channel 2 never changes whenever I "reboot" the amp. Neither does R32 on either channel.

Channel 2 has never exhibited any weird activity.

Could this be a problem on the output board? I wonder if bridging c153, r194, and c146 incorrectly could have resulted in a voltage spike that killed something on the output board? I'm fairly confident that everything is ok in the area of c153 on the input board.



Do you think that I could have damaged something on the output board?

The two schematic are the same. I do not see any differences. I still think that you need to make sure that all the pins traces connections are OKAY. If I were you I will test all the pins traces in the UC104 are connected to all the components for each pin. Maybe other experts have a better idea than mine.

Thanks for all of the help but I am afraid that I toasted this great amp. I spoke with Crown support and it was recommended that I turn the input board 180 degrees and swap the output channels in order to see if the output board for channel 1 was bad.

Initially, I plugged in everything correctly, however when I turned on the amp, the fan turned on 100% and the ioc lights stayed lit. It appeared that I had plugged in 2 of the connectors the wrong way so I reversed them. Then, I smelled burning electronics and saw a few resistors burn up on the input board. :(

I guess that there was another problem with the channel 1 output board initially (that was why the ioc lights stayed on). Reversing the plugs sent 45 volts of power back into the input board and burned up a few resistors...

Anyway, I guess that it's time to cut my losses and move on. I have a malfunctioning Com-tech 400 coming in that needs to be repaired. Hopefully, I can use some of the parts from this one and resurrect it. Thanks again.
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