Offline full-bridge SMPS… need help


Hi Luka Greetings from Malaysia.

Today i`ve receive complete item, so i`m starting etch right now, btw i`ve few question to ask.

I`ve mistake on my order for item TIP50, but i`ve order TIP51 (damn!) can i use this instead of TIP50?

I`ll use IRF740 for now and still waiting for IRFP460 arrive, so can i use 2 pair IRF740 instead of one pair? Does this circuit allow parallel?

and i made decision to use 680ohm for R15&16 (I`ve asking you before to replace with 2.2K) same as you used now. So what do you think?

Refer on your schematic there are trafo and on your board with label ETD44, it has 2 primary and 3 secondary (3, 4&5, and 6) but in your schmatic 3 turn wind on leg 7 and 8 to get 24vdc then convert by LM7812 to get 12Vdc. I refer on your board and cant find it and i can see it comes throug tip50 leg then through shottky diode 1N4003 and then lm7812. so this is alternate to get 12vdc from wind it through trafo?

Also look at the pcb board we have 3 hole at primary pin 1 and pin2 and another dont have number on it? so just ignore that one? Its labeled with GND on schematic which come from -ve hi volt after rectified.

Under IR2110 it has blue mark its for pin or?

Also Luka can you send to me again top silk of pcb with hi quality image, there is some item i cant read from it...

Best Regards,
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I`ve mistake on my order for item TIP50, but i`ve order TIP51 (damn!) can i use this instead of TIP50?
Hate to say, but this one is not good, has to be 400v or more and is way too big for what you need. *Any* 400v or more npn, with say 100mA and few W of dissapating power will do. Find one that is cheap near you or out of some broken stuff...

I`ll use IRF740 for now and still waiting for IRFP460 arrive, so can i use 2 pair IRF740 instead of one pair? Does this circuit allow parallel?
You can, but why would you? 740 has pretty good amp rating, I don't think you will go over 1kw right away... one pair is enough. PCB doesn't allow it, but I think IR could drive pair...but like I said, no need for that.

and i made decision to use 680ohm for R15&16 (I`ve asking you before to replace with 2.2K) same as you used now. So what do you think?
Nothing wrong with that, I would use higher value just because more voltage drop would be on resistors then tip50. But if you have aux from trafo, that part of circuit works like no time at all, nothing has time to heat up, no matter what values you use

Refer on your schematic there are trafo and on your board with label ETD44, it has 2 primary and 3 secondary (3, 4&5, and 6) but in your schmatic 3 turn wind on leg 7 and 8 to get 24vdc then convert by LM7812 to get 12Vdc. I refer on your board and cant find it and i can see it comes throug tip50 leg then through shottky diode 1N4003 and then lm7812. so this is alternate to get 12vdc from wind it through trafo?
Right blue elipse is there aux comes from trafo via air, that sec that has 3 turns, left one is fast diode, mur120 or similar, that rectifies into DC. This is the AUX voltage that powers your smps 99.999% of the time [just not on startup]. That 1n4003, just in place there that label is, there is nothing, don't know why I put holes there. Look at the picture and see how I have.

Also look at the pcb board we have 3 hole at primary pin 1 and pin2 and another dont have number on it? so just ignore that one? Its labeled with GND on schematic which come from -ve hi volt after rectified.
Where is nothing connected with trafo, just used its pins to get with track where I needed it to be. No wire comes there, just pins of trafo are used.

Under IR2110 it has blue mark its for pin or?
It is not pin, it is jumper

Also Luka can you send to me again top silk of pcb with hi quality image, there is some item i cant read from it...
I have one, but it is only a bit bigger then one posted here. I don't think you will see much more from it. [never did silk from program, as there are no labels, and I'm not sure if you would understand/see what is what] But if you get suck or not sure of something, let me know! [I would look where that part is connected between and find it on schematic]

O and post pic of smps when you are done [I collect them :D ]
Here is the board...

Hi Luka,

This is the offline LUKA SMPS board i`ve made, sorry it take little time to update because i`m working, and today i`ve spend time to make this board. If you have time can you please check any error on the board. i`ll finish it today and test it i`ll post here the result.

Can i used another ferrite design to use as transformer? Like Ferrite Torroid intead of E E core.

Thanks Luka,

Best Regards.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

Sure you can use any core you like, if you would change the PCB you could fit any core you could get, but note that you don't need big core to get lot of power :clown:

PS: I hope you didn't use 1n400x for aux, since I am not sure if they are fast enough for this

You probably used input choke wrong, but it will still work, but am not 100% you did this

Hi Luka,

Your SMPS WORK!! :D i`m using toroid ferrite core, all diode as suggestion change to mur160 for aux, and for output diode is to-220 case ultrafast 45ns, for drive transistor is IRF740.

Winding core as your suggestion for primary (i`m using 6 22 awg) and i`ve made my own secondary (using 6 18 awg) at +45 0 -45 vdc test run on nmos200/350 no problem looks like different with normal transformer this smps make the amp more louder and deep bass. Also test on Dx Amp all with good result the power led not even clip at all, looks like this thing provide much current with huge energy.

The mosfet just little warm at full power of the amp (using small heatsink for to-220 case), core small warm almost not warm, only output diode ultrafast get warm at full power but not too hot can be touch.

i`ve put led for aux to see if its power on and at output also having led. I`m sorry because its take time for me to test because i`m working. btw the winding sections take time to finish :D

Thanx alot LUKA for this design, but i need to learn more about your smps design i`ve few question to seperate the output capacitor, diode almost at output stage because the space doesnt allow me to put many caps on it.

Best Regards,

luka said:

Sure you can use any core you like, if you would change the PCB you could fit any core you could get, but note that you don't need big core to get lot of power :clown:

PS: I hope you didn't use 1n400x for aux, since I am not sure if they are fast enough for this

You probably used input choke wrong, but it will still work, but am not 100% you did this

norazmi said:

i`ve put led for aux to see if its power on and at output also having led.

I have power on led to, on oux, just after 7812, it is under pcb, and it is smd, just enouhg to see it.

Thanx alot LUKA for this design, but i need to learn more about your smps design i`ve few question to seperate the output capacitor, diode almost at output stage because the space doesnt allow me to put many caps on it.
Thanks man, I'm glad it works great for you. About questions, say what they are, will try to answer them, so you can make changes

O and post finished pic too please :)

I don't need +/-60V anymore, so I redone my trafo, now double stacked toroid, little primary and secondary turns, to get +/-96v with use of PFC in front of this smps. Voltage seems to be solid, only get about 3v of drop at 550w, more is(was) limited by my PFC, now I'll retest it, since PFC will be able to produce more power

1kw will probably enough for IRS2092, maybe even driving 2R speaker :D
More Power!!!


WOW, you're really getting into the high-power area! :hot: Can't wait to see results from your latest version. Soon as I have something to show for my lowly 1/2 bridge, I'll post it. Had boards done in June, but have not stuffed them yet. Promise I'll post pics soon.

Ciao for now,


Hi Luka, I read somewhere that 1/2 bridge are good for up to 500W, why is it? yours is able to withstand 1000W, ins´t it?
Last two questions; which parameters determines the work frecuency (the one you choose), and wich are the pros and cons of working with a higher/ lower one?
Regards and congratulations for your great job.
well books were writen some more then 20 years ago, materials now are way better. In new books I think it was already changed to 1000w.
A.Pressman (3rd edition, brand new, 10.2009)

my was more or less random chosen, but proper way is dependent on core you would like to use(number of turns, power you'll have, wire size(if you can put all on core),...)
apart from power, you need right freq. so that you don't saturate your core, which is determend by core used(size,..) and freq. used

If you have the book, you have clearly shown how you start on smps.
Calculation first currents, wire size... then comes core and freq. that will be used,...

Higher freq is good for more power with same size core, easy to filter, smaller everything
but core saturates faster, also core looses are bigger, wire too,...

Lower is - of that writen above

PS: if I wrote wrong, please do correct me.