New server required!

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koolscooby said:
If you were to do the round-robin thing, which is kidn of what i suggested, i can host a FreeBSD 5.2 box with Athlon XP 1800+, 256mb, 40gb HD, unlimited transfer on 10mbit line :)
I think that though, it should be done with more than just images... all of the php too, and have a nice central database on a virtual host though... see this imo would be better, because you aren't throwing around html... or alot of it, just mysql queries, which are usually small... could be sizable, but not as big as the HTML w/ images etc...

And jsut for the sake of argument, i dont think we should make a monthly/yearly even one-time payment, most people dont even have the ability to do that! (As i'm not old enought to have a credit card, this of course brings issues), but i know most people would do a one or two time donation via paypal or something... I personally would throw at least 20 bucks in or something if you guys do a beg-a-thon... this site is indispensable to me and teaches me many new things... but making a required fee just seems like the wrong thing to stop knowledge being presented to those who need it most :rolleyes: ... also... let me suggest that we could do this if you donate 20bucks you get a lifetime email account... pop3/smtp with webmail via squirrelmail... vpopmail/qmail/vqadmin would make an ideal easy setup for you guys [that bandwidth would be tiny to offer something such for 20 bucks one time ;)]

Lets crunch some numbers...
8,620 Members
1% of 8,620 is 86 people...
86 * $20USD = 1720

This means that if one percent of our members donate 20 bucks, we have enough money for...
11 months of $150 month colocation...
33 months of $50 month virtual serving...

Thats pretty sizable... and i know more than 1% of the board would donate (or i should hope =D)

So the ideal architecture i'd check out is this...
Central virtual hosting with public accessable mysql server locked down w/ password etc... you have to do this to enable other servers to connect to it...
Multiple companies/home-users with fast connections' dedicated bxoes from those who can provide them as satelliets... points to the central server... round robins to one of the others (www0.* -> wwwN.*) and it also checks to see which ones are up and down to stop broken links! (PHP is awesome :))...
wwwN.* hosts PHP ... PHP contacts central server with mysql queries
wwwN.* - each are from a different geographical area.. East/West/Central USA //Europe/Germany/Australia/etc...
imagehost.* - one of these servers is the image host.... includes a interface to login to via username/pass for board to post images.. strictly for diyaudio... people then link to that server their images...

Just my thoughts! :)

Re: Membership...
There will always be a free membership. You need not worry about that.

Re: Multiple distributed hosts...
1. Updating the php and keeping each mirror in sync would be a pain.
2. It is the database that costs all the money to host. We need so much RAM etc that it costs a fair bit of money. The attachments cannot easily be separated from the main database at present. The php hosting costs are tiny by comparison. Traffic is really cheap compared to server resources.
3. Call me crazy but I dont like the idea of a member having greater access to the forum code than I do.
4. It would constitute a breach of the licensing agreement of the forum software. So this is not an option.
AudioFreak said:

Re: Multiple distributed hosts...
1. Updating the php and keeping each mirror in sync would be a pain.
2. It is the database that costs all the money to host. We need so much RAM etc that it costs a fair bit of money. The attachments cannot easily be separated from the main database at present. The php hosting costs are tiny by comparison. Traffic is really cheap compared to server resources.
3. Call me crazy but I dont like the idea of a member having greater access to the forum code than I do.
4. It would constitute a breach of the licensing agreement of the forum software. So this is not an option.

1. Could be fixed by nightly ran shell scripts, or manually
2. Gotcha :)
3. Yes definately is a bad idea, oversight there :bigeyes: hehe
4. Oversight here too :( hehe... definately a bad idea

Well thought it was a good idea... thanks for informing me about the problems that should've been obvious ;) hehe
Some thoughts on this:

1) Have you considered asking some university to host the forum?
Many universities have over-capacity in bandwidth and 10GB
disk space would be a drop in the sea for some of them. Although
not an academic forum, it is a non-profit forum so maybe some
university would be willing to donate server space to us. I am
currently on leave from my university and don't have much
contact with them for the moment so I am afraid I can't check
the possibility of our department hosting us. Maybe one could
ask the swedish SUNET or the finnish FUNET who have very
high speed connections and already mirror huge amounts of
software etc. SUNET has overcapacity in their network and
10GB would be nothing for them I guess. I don't think either
of these usually host forums, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

2) What exactly is the problam with Sitepoint? Disk space,
bandwidth, CPU usage, ...? If it is only disk space, maybe
we could simply get som people to donate money to buy them
an extra hard disk. Theyr're almost free nowadays.

3) If we need a paid hosting I suggest not asking a mandatory
membership fee and not having any membership hierarchy. Some
members are rich others are very poor. My guess is it would be
sufficient to ask for donations. I am neither rich nor poor and
I find this forum very good, so I guess I wouldn't really mind
donating $10 or even $20 a year and I suppose there is a
sufficient number of people who would do that.
1) No. If someone that is in a position to ask wants to do so, that would be great.

2) It's a combination of many things. Server resources and others. It's time to find ourselves a new server.

3) This is being discussed in a few places. There will always be a free membership. Members that pay will get some extra features that would perhaps not be long term sustainable for the entire (free) membership. I will always do my best to ensure that free members have a good experience.
Regarding 3), my point was rather that I don't think it is
necessary to give paying members better service. Unless
we end up with a host that is really really expensive I
would guess (but maybe I am wrong) we could get a sufficient
number of members to donate a small amount (or a big
amount for those who are rich and generous) without
really expecting any better service. I don't generally like to
pay for internet forums, but this one is IMO so good that I
am prepared to pay a small amount for it. Maybe we could even
do as someone suggested and have some kind of meter of
how much money has been donated. Then people could send
money until there is enough. Those who planned to donate
but was "too slow" could try to be quicker next year and those
who donated last year can wait a few days and see if their
money is needed. This way we would get a kind of rotating

BTW, some people have started talking about selling T-shirts
and things. I suppose some people like to pay more and get
something, but don't make that the only choice. I personally
hate such options. I personally prefer to just donate a few
dollars than paying extra money to get a T-shirt or something
I don't want anyway.
Considering 1)

I am student on the University of Twente (Enschede, The Netherlands), which is in Holland known for its IT resources. Bandwith should not be a problem here, but some place to install a server and the goodwill to donate space and service. I am going to "ping" around a bit, maybe I can find something.

Our neigbours, the Holland-Germany Internet Exchange (NDIX) has also plenty resources for a website. Although more difficult since they are commercial, they might be willing to donate.

Are there any tricks into succesful begging for serverspace?

AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Christer said:
Regarding 3), my point was rather that I don't think it is
necessary to give paying members better service. Unless
we end up with a host that is really really expensive I
would guess (but maybe I am wrong) we could get a sufficient
number of members to donate a small amount (or a big
amount for those who are rich and generous) without
really expecting any better service. I don't generally like to
pay for internet forums, but this one is IMO so good that I
am prepared to pay a small amount for it. Maybe we could even
do as someone suggested and have some kind of meter of
how much money has been donated. Then people could send
money until there is enough. Those who planned to donate
but was "too slow" could try to be quicker next year and those
who donated last year can wait a few days and see if their
money is needed. This way we would get a kind of rotating

BTW, some people have started talking about selling T-shirts
and things. I suppose some people like to pay more and get
something, but don't make that the only choice. I personally
hate such options. I personally prefer to just donate a few
dollars than paying extra money to get a T-shirt or something
I don't want anyway.


I'm with you 100%. I'm willing to chip in, don't need special favors. Let's keep it free and not start a hierarchical membership. I guess this is what this forum is all about: those who have much to give in terms of knowledge, tips etc give much, those who are starting up can absorb that. We should do the same in the money department: those with some more resources donate what they feel they should do, and that's it.

Jan Didden
Audiofreak, sorry for getting in so late.
how hard is it to find a suitable commercial host? Even if it should cost 500 bucks/year? We have 8700 members...a small fee should get you guys enough money to run until a future when money won't be of consequence. Just set up a paypal accnt, a fee, a deadline. You don't pay you get kicked out and put in a hall of shame.
rules and paid membership


what would happen to post rules, if this forum becomes paid membership only???

Would users with commercial interests be 'clamped' with greater severity than they are now, so much space is sometimes wasted in tit 4 tat arguments, especially when a profit making individual makes a post.

Just seems that 'human nature' is far less forgiving when asked to pay for an exclusive service.....

As it stands I'd be willing to donate a small fee for membership. Although I do feel that my personal presence on this forum relates to a quantity rather than quality member who can be useful to others.

Hit up the manufacturers first.


You know. The whole crew. It's a write-off for them, and the true reality is it does not HARM sales, but in the long run, enhances them.

Most of these guys stated out DIY. Hell, If I could swing the cash right now, I'd use it as a write off myself. The whole thing. I will make inquiries with our pipe-web guys. They are very good at finding good pricing. I will get a realistic quote and number that will be amongst the best numbers that you will see. If not the best.
OK. we're working on it. The quote is being generated, and is based on the numbers supplied in this thread.... the number sounds like about a couple of hundred $ a month, off his cuff, as a rough estimate, but he is going to do a real quote.

If it is that low, to keep things going in the immediate future, I will pay it myself.

Stay tuned.

Also, so as not to loose those precious archives, I will build a raid array server box.
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