NEC GT-950 - Planned LED mod

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Hi guys,

Just beginning my first foray into modding projectors to run with LEDs. I've got a pile of them and have picked a GT-950 to start.

It's a BIG projector so lots of space inside to work with.

So far I've removed the ballast and worked out which wires to join to defeat the lamp check. I can project my desktop to A4 in pitch black just using a cheap LED torch so now.. I need to sort out the light source.

I've ordered a CREE Q5 LED w/Driver HeatSink.. DIY UltraBright CREE Q5 LED w/Driver HeatSink - 12v on eBay (end time 07-Apr-11 11:31:17 BST) to get me started. I realise there are higher brightness ones but am still reading up.

Anyone any tips or input to help me along the way?

Here's a pic of the wires I joined to defeat lamp check..
I joined wires 2 and 3 (middle two)


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nec gt950lp: changing lamp current

Hello everyone. After years I picked up the project for modding with a lamp doing different experiments. 1) LED light 50W with and without collimator 2) dichroic lamp with LED 4 LED 4W 3) 12V automotive lamp placed in a dish recovered from the exhausted lamp ELPLP67 an Epson projector.

1) the best results were those with the LED of 50W whose light I collimated with an aspherical lens for LED use, however, the light of the obtained projection is too low, amounting to perhaps 10% of that required. I'm waiting for a new collimator reflector and lamp 100w to make new tests.

2) being the dichroic LEDs with aspherical lenses to concentrate the beam, and than 4 w alone power has made good but still completely insufficient

3) an interesting experiment using the reflector of a lamp ELPL64 replacing the bulb inside with a halogen automotive 12V receiving power. I left the bulb inside the reflector free to be able to move and I noticed verified that the brightness obtained depends on the position of the bulb inside the reflector in a decisive manner; If you center the focal position significantly improves the result but we have to be very precise.

The conclusions are that the LED due to its remarkable brightness gets the best results, but definitely a lot of light is dispersed because the source is not the point, and the VPR optical path is designed to work with this as we have been able to verify with the modified parabola halogen 12V
my conclusions are likely to be used with the LED to be modified in the optical system of the VPR in the conveyor section of the light source.

that's all for now

I am not sure if your projector would have this, but I am sure it should, but if you look down the light tunnel towards the engine, at the entrance where the lamp light begins its journey, the light is filtered through a set of lenses, a metal mesh, a brick of something that looks like a bodged together lines of snowy glass and a few more lenses. remove all that crap except the last lens in that batch before you reach the mirror that split the light. The metal grate will cut off half the light from your LED, removing all that crap should help a lot.

If you can upload an image, I can explane more of the light tunnel, be careful not to remove the other mirrors and lenses as they are still needed.
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