My_Ref Fremen Edition - Build thread and tutorial

You know, I was thinking this website lack in some details which could help engage people in more development work.
we live in media age and simple thing would help us, the followers A lot.
I am taking about short youtube style clips up to 10 min length with explanatory examples how given circuit works and so on.
Just Basic information.
Imagine how things would be Different then :)
Sound check

Components are layed out on a kitchen tray. Cheap 10K log pots, simple RCAs, no binding posts. Test source - Sony FM stereo tuner. Hector Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique. First try on crap speakers. Second on AR10pi. No hum. Dead silence with pots at minimum. The sound? I like it very much allready! :) There is lot of work ahead with the chassis, details and moding, but the principle success is evident.
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We definitely miss here a like button :)


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The sound? I like it very much allready! :) There is lot of work ahead with the chassis, details and moding, but the principle success is evident.


The build was exceptionally pleasurable, though there were strong worries at times. Once again I want to thank Dario for his great contribution and help!

You're welcome :)
Audyn Plus for C13

I'm curious if anyone has completed their evaluation of the Audyn Plus caps for C13, especially as a budget choice?

I have been listening to them and I think they are a good alternative to the K71-4 budget choice cap. In the end, it will depend on the character of your system. In my case, I found the Audyn Plus and K71-4 very nice and mostly similar. Both have excellent soundstage. If possible, the Audyn has a slightly broader and taller stage than the K71-4. Both are smooth and detailed with balanced reproduction across the audible frequency range. Both have excellent bass, tight, strong, and deep. If I had to choose, I would say that I like the bass of the K71-4 slightly more, but the difference is very small. At the top end, I had a hard time choosing. The Audyn Plus seems to have a bit more detail, but the K71-4 seems to have a bit more sparkle.

Both of these caps do a nice job of reproducing the mid-range, but I would have to say that this is where they fall a little short of better caps. The K71-4 have been described as a touch cool and I think that is fairly accurate. The Audyn Plus seems a bit thin in the mid-range. They don't sound bad at all, but the better caps provide a little bit more warmth and fullness that separate them from either the K71 or the Audyn Plus.

I have no trouble recommend either of these caps for C13 on FE or as part of a sound stew for other projects. Very nice and very cost effective. At the moment, the K71-4 are a bargain at about $2.50 each. The Audyn Plus is about $8.50, but is more easily available in the US and, I think, Europe.

I would love to hear other peoples impressions. Of course, we know that Bob loves them.
Jac, I am not sure I can give you my full impression of the Audyn plus caps at C13 just yet. Bob was nice enough to lend me his, and I have been listening to them for a few weeks. I can say that I am enjoying them and they have sparked a strong interest in the true coppers. I had previously been using the K71-4s and I enjoyed them too. However I cannot fairly assign a vocabulary to the differences between the two.

I made so many changes to the wiring and layout inside my amp while using both of these that I dont feel an impression is fair. I have just finished making my amp AC coupled, and I rewired all of the input and outputs. I have a few small things to button up inside the amp, and then I will spend a little time setting up the volume control with a simple interface to swap caps quickly. I am hoping to be able to identify the sublte differences between these caps if they are in fact present.(I feel like I am listening for different elements on different nights, hopefully this will make their differences clear). There will be more to come soon as I have finished a few other projects that have been keeping me from what I want to do:D

Sorry for the half answer Jac....and Bob, I will get those caps back to you soon......even though I know your busy revolutionising amplifier cooling;)

P.S. I have not looked, but is there a US seller of true coppers?.....Cheers
Jac, I am not sure I can give you my full impression of the Audyn plus caps at C13 just yet. Bob was nice enough to lend me his, and I have been listening to them for a few weeks. I can say that I am enjoying them and they have sparked a strong interest in the true coppers.

Sorry for the half answer Jac....and Bob, I will get those caps back to you soon......even though I know your busy revolutionising amplifier cooling;)

P.S. I have not looked, but is there a US seller of true coppers?.....Cheers

Hey, sometimes a half answer is the right answer. These projects have a timeline of their own.

As for a US supplier of True Copper, unfortunately the answer is no. I bought a pair of TC for another project and shipping from Europe doubled the cost. I keep looking for alternatives because of the shipping cost issue.

Have fun.
....and Bob, I will get those caps back to you soon......

P.S. I have not looked, but is there a US seller of true coppers?.....Cheers

Not to worry. Take your time and enjoy. I had the same experience as everyone with the shipping costs on the TCs. Still trying to get Parts Express to be a U.S. retailer. There is also a small mid-west parts supplier that might be interested. I hope someone solves the problem with the larger new run version.

Welcome and congrats to all those with new completed builds. Hopefully many more will appear soon.;)