MiniDSP Long Term Reliability. Any experience?

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I am looking at putting a MiniDSP based active system into a permanent installation. The unit will be unpowered and inoperative for much of it's life and technical support will be very limited.

Does anyone have any experience of, or opinions about, the long term viability of this idea? Will the MiniDSP eventually lose its program if left unpowered for long periods? What other issues may arise?

I would be very appreciative of any comments!

Keith Arnold
G'day Henry.

This is kind-of commercial. I get roped in occasionally to help out museums, wineries and galleries with sound systems. I have recently been using a MiniDSP to help with some basic enclosure research and I really love the flexibility of the thing. So, for my latest 'commission' (payment in cabernet-shiraz I expect) I am considering using one to simplify the design process. It will, however, need to go in and work without any hassles for at least a few years in a hot/cold environment and only powered up for a few weekends a year.

If the system works well, I might adapt it for use in other projects but there are no plans for a real 'production' system as such.

Yes, indeed Henry. There are some lovely and very atmospheric wineries in SW Victoria and SE South Australia. Not the age and pedigree of the Europeans pehaps, but very friendly and welcoming, and pretty good value, by and large.

As for drivers, my approach has been a bit scattershot up until recently, using whatever drivers I happen to be playing with at the time. I am sure you picked up that most of these jobs are cheapy "mates-rates" specials so they got what I gave 'em, really.

I am in the process of completing research for a 'generic modules' system, using the MiniDSP which should see a set of standard systems, widerange and subs, using Eminence Pro Coaxials and bass drivers, and also the promising HiVi drivers.

Not till later in the year though.

The longest time mine have been unpowered are 2 weeks. No problems. I have never had any issues. It's unpowered every night.

Thank you for your response!

I have tried leaving mine unpowered for a few days and it always wakes up fine. I guess I am more worried about what limits there might be - how long is too long? Is there a limit at all, or will the program be safe indefinitely? When the system goes into the hands of people who wouldn't know it was wrong until it was too late, I would like to be sure it isn't going to go wrong when used as expected.

@ Keith,

Great to hear that you're working on a commercial solution with these little puppies. :) Maybe a technical answer to your question is the fact that the miniDSP settings are stored on a EEPROM. i.e. not requiring any external power to keep its settings. (i.e. even if you power down for a year, it will still boot up correctly)

In electronic, we use the word "data retention" to clarify how long a memory IC is able to keep its data. On a miniDSP, the memory used has a data retention of 200years... :) Both of us won't be here in 200years to tell if they were right, but microchip is a reliable IC company, so gotta believe them.

Hoping this answers your question,

@ Keith,

Great to hear that you're working on a commercial solution with these little puppies. :) Maybe a technical answer to your question is the fact that the miniDSP settings are stored on a EEPROM. i.e. not requiring any external power to keep its settings. (i.e. even if you power down for a year, it will still boot up correctly)

In electronic, we use the word "data retention" to clarify how long a memory IC is able to keep its data. On a miniDSP, the memory used has a data retention of 200years... :) Both of us won't be here in 200years to tell if they were right, but microchip is a reliable IC company, so gotta believe them.

Hoping this answers your question,


Thanks guys, that is the assurance I was after.
It is a shame that the system will only last 200 years(!) but I guess it will just have to do.

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