MCM 8" 55-2421 Isobaric

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Short story Srten, the folks that bought the sub just came from a Best buys, listened to everything they had. They heard the compact Iso box and wanted to take it home with them.
I didn't think you would get it, but do understand your post.

I really don't think it would work in a 1cf BR, do you?

The short story is you don't get it. You have low tuned poorly designed
boomboxes and seem to like them and keep insisting that they are good.

They are not, that ISO box is design disaster area that could be greatly
improved upon. Yes I don't get convincing people they are on to a good
thing when I know there is actually a far better solution, and that I'm
fobbing them off with lazy, inappropriate, poor design. I don't care how
good you think it is. Designed properly it will be simply better.
And capable of 4 times the SPL at a cost of nothing.

So you've sold some people a nice looking box that looks like it should
work well but actually doesn't work half as well as it should or could.

Yes, I don't get it.

rgds, sreten.
Mr. Sreten,

Yeah, I'm miserable in my world without bass [NOT] But I'll tell you what...I'm a bachelor for the weekend, plenty of MDF on hand and extra woofers.
You have mentioned a double sided woofer(s) box a couple of times, that's not much to go on.
Are you saying a box similar:
1) What cf?
2) What tuning?
3) Woofers right and left sides, mag to mag?
4) Same long port?
I agree with Sreten, those want to be in very small boxes going isobaric is silly. I modeled four of them in a 1.3cf box tuned to 40hz, that would make a nice woofer if the HP was set to 60Hz. looks like that driver is made to be used in cars as the sealed design using two of them wants a box size ~.43cf for a Qtc of .587.
This may be sacrilege...(i love BR) but I'm getting the best results with 2 of those in a sealed .6cf box with 500w and PEQ boost Fc=20Hz Q=.7 gain =6db.

edit: never mind, the motor can't handle that power... dang

sealed without boost is still better though :rolleyes:
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I really don't think it would work in a 1cf BR, do you?


All the indications are two parallel in a 1cuft box tuned to around
30Hz would work, not the opposite, but venting instead of using
PR's would be pretty tricky, Flare-it - Free Speaker Design Software

All the modelling is in Silly's sub thread, around 12L each tuned to around 33Hz.

Dayton Audio SD270-PR 10" Passive Radiator 295-494
could work, weighted to between 400 to 500 grams I recall
in Silly's thread, one per driver in 10L to 14L per driver.

0.6cuft with two of them sealed with Bass EQ would work.

Another option is 10L to 12L with two Dayton 8" PRs.

If you want a "pearl of wisdom" its this, they are designed for small
boxes, and using bigger boxes than optimum does not help, it hinders,
if you did the modelling you would quickly realise this is the case.

As I said initially there is utterly no point using them isobaric.

There is nothing SC related in my comments. If you post stuff saying
its great when its plainly not right, there is nothing nasty in saying so.

rgds, sreten.
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I really don't think it would work in a 1cf BR, do you?


All the indications are two parallel in a 1cuft box tuned to around
30Hz would work, not the opposite, but venting instead of using
PR's would be pretty tricky, Flare-it - Free Speaker Design Software

All the modelling is in Silly's sub thread, around 12L each tuned to around 33Hz.

Dayton Audio SD270-PR 10" Passive Radiator 295-494
could work, weighted to between 400 to 500 grams I recall
in Silly's threads, one per driver in 10L to 14L per driver.

0.6cuft with two of them sealed with Bass EQ would work.

Another option is 10L to 12L with two Dayton 8" PRs.
That would be a killer small sub, for small satellites.

If you want a "pearl of wisdom" its this, they are designed for small
boxes, and using bigger boxes than optimum does not help, it hinders.

There is nothing SC related in my comments. If you post stuff saying
its great when its plainly not right, there is nothing nasty in saying so.

rgds, sreten.
That's exactly what i was thinking, although the problems with tuning that high (yes, i think 30Hz is high) will muck up the low portions of bass guitar /drum. where as with sealed you get better group delay although at the loss of some output of -2db at 30, -3db at 40, -2db at 50hz. (i'm limiting power to 250w based on the rms of the drivers + HP at 30 as any signal below 30Hz will be phase canceled anyway)
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see below


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That's exactly what i was thinking, although the problems with tuning that high
(yes, i think 30Hz is high) will muck up the low portions of bass guitar /drum.
where as with sealed you get better group delay although at the loss of some
output of -2db at 30, -3db at 40, -2db at 50hz. (i'm limiting power to 250w
based on the rms of the drivers + HP at 30 as any signal below 30Hz will be
phase canceled anyway)


Horses for courses, the point of venting or PR's over a simple Eq'd alignment
is maximum SPL at low frequencies which is far better for vented / PR'd.

Yes group delay always looks massively worse, but who understands it ?

They are 8" drivers that will work in 12L per driver vented subs and if
you really want to go tiny 6L per driver sealed, probably with EQ.

As detailed in the Silly thread PR's are almost mandatory with this driver.

With this driver PR's are the way to go and you'll get a far better result
than sealed, you can make an outstanding ~ 12" cubed subwoofer.

rgds, sreten.
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... I do...


So do I, if you want a set of Q=0.5 sealed subwoofers to spread around the
room its a fairly good to very good driver choice if you have enough of them.

For one driver in one box the compromises are somewhat different.
Nothing wrong with low tuning here, it will simply work better.
It won't muck up low bass, quite the reverse in practice.

rgds, sreten.
Building a pair of .5cf sealed boxes would be interesting, I bet lots of folks would enjoy a nice little sub(s) for less $$


A 1cf sealed cube would look sharp; maybe mount the speakers mag out, (like ear muffs). Just to give it a "look" what if I was to cut extra 12" square plates with a large hole (6-1/4"), where the woofer is and mount them with long bolts/hardware, flush with the magnet?

Okay, no more SC jokes.
Hi Sreten,
You're preaching to the choir here. I should clarify: by low
bass I was referring to everything below tuning (10-30Hz).

Although if you tuned the PR's to 20Hz with a HP
at 14Hz that's something i'd like to build. I just may. :)


I think your talking frequencies where IMO they would be all but inaudible.
Without high SPL very low bass is inaudible, and low bass extension simply
robs the higher range of excursion that can be far more usefully employed.

The above would also need some bass boost EQ, its not working out.

In a tiny room it might work, generally I can't see it, for most situations.
In bigger rooms it might work if you have lots of them, but its tail chasing.

Same with tiny sealed boxes with this driver, some commercial applications,
but for a builder IMO 12L per driver with PR's is the way to go if you want
to do it properly. There are better drivers available for compact sealed.

rgds, sreten.
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