Lovoltech power Jfet groupbuy

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GRollins said:
My understanding is that anything that has to transact across the border is subject to this charge. The more I think about it, the more it irritates me. I do not buy that it costs the Fed. $16.75 per transaction to move money back and forth across our common border. This strikes me as a rather blatant attempt by the government to make money by, effectively speaking, taxing individual transactions between our two nations.
This is free trade?

Well... you could have opted for PayPal in which case there is only a 1% cross-border fee.

GRollins said:
My understanding is that anything that has to transact across the border is subject to this charge. The more I think about it, the more it irritates me. I do not buy that it costs the Fed. $16.75 per transaction to move money back and forth across our common border. This strikes me as a rather blatant attempt by the government to make money by, effectively speaking, taxing individual transactions between our two nations.
This is free trade?

You shouldn't get dinged for an international postal money order, they are just like cash, in U.S. funds. I had to pay cash to get it. I've been using them for years. Most companies like magazine publishers have a Canadian address so you can send it there, so I was kind of wondering about the cheque thing.
I've already purchased the money order, but haven't mailed you yet, Grey. Would you mind checking (excuse the pun) with your bank about money orders?
Good news. The problem I had been alerted to earlier turned out to be easily fixed. That clears a large block of time tomorrow so that I can get back to matching JFETs.
If you ask me, none of us should get dinged, period. We have the longest unguarded borderline in the world. We're buddies, right? Free trade and all that, you know? This is not rational. I work with computers for a living and you cannot tell me that it costs more than a tenth of a cent to move a sum of money from one place to another as long as both places have computers. Or perhaps a certain person in Washington who shall remain nameless has decided that the Canadian response to a certain dust-up in the Middle East wasn't to his liking and this is his revenge. I don't know and at this point it's probably best that I don't find out. I'm so mad I could spit nails.
International postal money order. Right. Now all I have to do is remember to call.
Fer cryin' out loud, there's got to be some way around this. I stood there in the middle of the bank trying to find a solution and everything I suggested was met with that lame, "I'm sorry, sir, but there's nothing I can do," kind of response. Infuriating. One would hope that they would try to work with you. Suggest things. Don't just go limp on me, dammit! Grrr!
If it turns out that Paul's avenue works, I will post here ASAP.
(This is the sort of irrational nonsense that has held me back from getting involved in group buys in the past. But I said I would handle North America, and by the Great Bear I will get JFETs to Canada if I have to hand carry the damned things up there myself. Period.)


P.S.: It's a good thing we're not trying to move lots of money. If you get over $10,000 the fee goes up. Like, yeah, right guys...the keystroke for 10k took a lot more effort than the one for $20.
I'll save the little prude subroutine they have here at DIY the trouble and enter my own cussin' thusly:
*#%@ &@*#$&!!!
Or, in other words...harrumph!
I need some sleep. It takes a lot of energy to be this mad. Goodnight, folks.
Calm down, Grey.
Any resistor will work. The only thing is that the frequency response may not be as flat as you would wish. In the case of inductance, if there's any substantial amount, you'll find that the high frequency response will rise.
Who knows, it might even sound better if your speakers are soft on top.
The worst case scenario is oscillation, but I really, really doubt that it will be a problem in a circuit this simple. The most likely thing is that you'll find the frequency response rising at some supersonic frequency. The bats may care, but you won't. Give it a shot.
You guys and your light bulb amps are messin' with my head. I may have to build a lightbulb circuit just to get it out of my system.

Grey, if your bank still charges the extra for a money order, I think you're being ripped off. I think it's a bank thing, not a government thing.
Here in Canada the banks are anxiously hoping for a new Conservative government to be elected in on Monday so they can merge together to become a smaller number of SuperBanks, and care even less about us individuals. I don't think friendlier inter-government relations will help the little people much.
If money orders aren't the solution, I'd consider coordinating a sub-group buy for Canadians. I think I still have my Paypal account (don't use it much). So I could gather up the money and send a single payment, and Grey could still mail them out individually.
I just got up...haven't called the bank yet, so I don't have any word there. My bank isn't a 'big' bank in the sense that you're describing. It's a credit union attached to the university.
Are they ripping me off? Possibly. They may be lying about the source of this fee. Unfortunately, I'm not in a position to check up the line and see where the money actually goes. I can say that I've been with them for fifteen or twenty years and never had any reason to doubt them in the past. That doesn't mean that they can't change.
I don't have a Pay Pal account and would prefer not to get one. The stories I hear make me think they're not particularly honorable either.
I have no problem with a group buy for Canadians, if it comes to that. As long as you guys get your parts and nobody gets hurt in the process, that's what matters.
While driving home last night I was mentally reviewing the logistics of mailing actual cash. I do not recommend it, but it is an option.
I'll hammer on this in a little while and see what I can find out.

I was thinking something like this:
- we get the Canadian group buy quantities finalized
- people send me money via PayPal, possibly increasing everything %-wise by the effect of the bank charges
- I write a big fat cheque, or get a money order, and send it to you
- you send us parts
Of course, now people have to trust two of us instead of just one.:angel:
The problem with your plan is that I have a dishonest face. When I was younger I had a helluva time getting the young ladies out so I could work my wiles upon them--their parents would take one look at me and declare,"That boy is up to no good. I will not allow him anywhere my daughter." They were, of course, correct in their assessment. I soon learned not to meet the parents before wooing fair maiden.
All right, folks, listen up...
Paul's other plan seems like it will work. My wife (who has been quite helpful in this buy thing) called the bank. She was told that as long as an international postal money order is drawn in US$, that there will be no handling fee. Now, this contradicts some things that I was told yesterday, but we're going to go with it. My wife has the name of the person she spoke with and all the other details, and if they try to go back on this, we'll just whip out the notes and point out that we were told by so-and-so on such-and-such a date that this would work.
Those who have sent money by other means--don't panic. I'll think of something.
Paul, thanks. You appear to have saved the day.
I will keep you guys updated, but for the time being Canadian buyers should do as Paul has done and we'll find a way to make it work.
Also, a nod to my wife for chipping in when the chips were down (if I may shamelessly mix metaphors).
I am not going to declare this mini-crisis resolved until I see it go through the way we want it to. But at least we have a battle plan, and we can turn our attention to other matters for the moment.
I will post the basic information in the other thread as well.

GRollins said:
I will keep you guys updated, but for the time being Canadian buyers should do as Paul has done and we'll find a way to make it work.
That is, go to a friendly neighborhood postal outlet and get a money order in US funds. You can use cash, Visa, or Interac.

The problem with your plan is that I have a dishonest face.
Well, I trust you but I've never seen your face. Still hoping to see it in person some day, along with whatever's left of your water-cooled amp.
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