Looking for a decent free (or cheap) CAD program to design speaker boxes

I use OpenScad. It's free. It is a code based. So you write a script that calls simple functions to make the drawing. Here's a drawing of a half cube shaped box. That's pretty much all I build.



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Autodesk fusion360 is free for personal, non-commercial use. I use it for designing 3d-printed objects.

Similar, but open-source and a bit less intuitive to use: freecad.

There are lots of youtube tutorials for both programs!
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In the past I have briefly used the open source salome, freecad and openscad (all use opencascade for the geometry engine) interactively for speaker design. They are less slick than the better commercial CAD packages with one or two useful omissions and the odd bug but nothing that would lead to paying for a good commercial package. Perhaps the poor support for assembly but hopefully that will improve. Don't know the current state of play but a few years ago it was subpar. Anyone?

These days I tend to write a python script to call the opencascade engine directly (or an alternative) because it is faster and more reliable for parametric changes given CAD is only one of the steps in a sequence performing grid generation, simulations, analysis and plots. If you are not analysing and comparing parametric changes then the interactive capabilities and GUI become more relevant.
I got started using Autodesk fusion360 a couple of years ago only to discover that "Free" meant I could only save a few designs up to their site and they would be public. I also got non-top calls from the sales department and they eventually ended my "Free" license. So that was a total waste of time for me. I used the Salome package years ago as it came loaded with a Linux distribution that I would run in a virtual machine. It has likely improved all these years later. It linked with an FEM program. Starting out now I would look at Freecad, as they have fixed some of the major problems in the last two years. I like openSCAD as it generates the whole drawing from beginning to end from the code. So I can just change a line of code and get what I want. It is pretty limited compared with other packages.

Have a look at the drawings I uploaded in my earlier post. They are parameterized so you can generate a box of any size. The woofer box has maybe five different sizes in the code. You uncomment the three lines of code associated with the box size you want. I also have a 3D printable waveguide. It is printed as two halves, upright. The install is small. You can delete it easily if you don't like it. https://openscad.org/downloads.html Drawings are made using function calls with parameters for the size like this cube([[3, 4, 5]); will draw a 3D box of size 3 x 4 x 5. That's it. The translate() function moves it to where you want in the drawing. The two box drawings print out the dimensions for each board to be cut to build the box. The larger box has a rectangular cutout for installing a Hypex Fusion FA253 amplifier and holds two Eminence LAB 12" woofers. A set of these were built to go with some Magnepan 3.7i speakers.
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could only save a few designs up to their site and they would be public.
As far as I know and read on the terms of use:

You can turn designs to non-editable and by doing so free up space for new designs (max 10 editable designs).

You can also save as many designs as you whish locally as fusion archive files. To open an archive file you need one free editable design "space".

Designs are not public, unless you choose to do so. You are the intellectual property owner of the design.

Please correct me if I'm wrong!
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I got started using Autodesk fusion360 a couple of years ago only to discover that "Free" meant I could only save a few designs up to their site and they would be public.

Their program also snoops your hard drive. There have been discussion elsewhere about how several Autodesk apps act like spyware. I no longer use anything from them, as I wanted a CAD program that worked without needing internet access ever again.

It’s possible to export any file from Fusion as an f3d (Fusion proprietary) editable file. It can also be saved as .STEP/STP for machining or .STL for 3D printing. Under “File”, chose Export and then select the file type which you wish to save it as.

The limitation of 10 files only limits how many components made in other open windows may be introduced into a common file. You can turn off existing files and make hundreds. You can turn them back on at any time, it just only allows 10 active at one time.

They don’t explain it in plain English, so many people don’t know it.
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Wow, lots of interesting ideas. I was messing around with FreeCAD but couldn't figure out even the basics of drawing an object. I have used SketchUp but apparently they canceled my "free" subscription. I liked SketchUp, because I am attempting to design non-traditional cube/box speakers. I just need a way to model the 3D panels so I can figure out cut dimensions. Currently I am experimenting with Pyramid shaped speakers and am finding the geometry challenging.
Just a thought, but if your main interest is in surface modeling and being able develop panels, a hull design program might work for you. Delftship and FreeShip are worth looking at. Check out the software listings on the boatdesign site.
I use Carlson Hulls for exactly the same purpose. Much more efficient workflow and easy results, lofted onto flat panels for CNC cutting. One of the many templates can be easily adjusted to just about any box shape and size and it will give you a cutting pattern for automation or hand cutting

Boat programs presume the use of fillets or battens on the inside seams and the panels come together at the edges and not on a panel end. The empty outside groove formed when edges are brought together and presumed filled to a radius or external fillet

FreeCAD has its limitations but doesn't really stop me from drawing any shape, there is always a way. The plate workbench allows bending. I am currently creating curved panels in the part design bench. Just keep at it until the program 'clicks'
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Sketch Up is free dont need to be online.
Not the new annoying demo version.

Google sold it
so the new owners give you demo that expires.

wonderful thing about internet.
you can get the original free one from
other sources.
7.0 or basically 7.1 yada yada yada version
before it hit 8

few seconds to find in search.
So @Randy Bassinga , boat interest or just using an applicable tool?
Done entirely in Carlson hull in a couple of hours


Another in the works, Klingon warbird inspired central nacelle for an ultra light solo WIG. This is what Calson Hulls outputs as working model. One day this thing will glide a metre or two over the chop on airfoils. In developable fabric inflatable RIB

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