Linear Power Supply Considerations: Diodes, Xfrmr, CRC Filter & Parts

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I'm going to build the Marsh Headphone Amp and want to build a power supply for it.

So, burning though various places here on DIYAudio I've found some Quasi-modo, Other-modo, and psudeo-modo's along with Ring Me NOT type PSUs which help one eliminate ringing and oscillations, if I understand it correctly.

On one published comparison, where RingNot's M.Johnson were compared to PSUs designed by B.Cordell/D.Self/R.Elliot Design.

Performance Comparison vs. Conventional PSU Figure 7: Conventional PSU PCB shows ringing while Figure 8: RingNot PSU PCB Shows ringing.

In this process I need to change some component values of M.Johnson's RingNot designed for the AnTek AN/AS-2222: LINK and change them for the AnTek AN-0212 - 25VA 12V Transformer:LINK

Here is the link to the Marsh Head Phone Amp (MHPA) Thread: LINK

Here is the link to the RingNot thread: LINK

Here is the link to Ti's Evaluation board: LINK

So, from what I can tell when building the MarshHeadPhoneAmp my blocks go like this:

:scratch:PSU ==> Salas 1.3==>HeadPhoneAmp==>:hphones:

I ask because I don't know. Yes, I'm sure I could get buy with something...but this IS DIY and I'd rather not reinvent the wheel. I spend enough time reinventing things only to find there was a better X (widget, mousetrap, gizmo etc.) to begin with.

My goal is to build two of these, one for me and one for my little girl.


POST SCRIPT: I will use the space below for updates.
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Joined 2011
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Performance Comparison vs. Conventional PSU Figure 7: Conventional PSU PCB shows ringing while Figure 8: RingNot PSU PCB Shows [no] ringing
I'm pretty sure this refers to Fig 7-8 in the .pdf writeup, attached to post #1 of the RingNot thread. Copied below to save readers a few clicks.

edit- "SR" means Soft Recovery ; "CRC snubber" means a snubber with 2 caps & 1 resistor; "Q" means the quality factor of a resonant circuit (Wikipedia link)



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    Figure 7.png
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Thanks Mark,

Yes, that is to what I was referring. I believe my next step should be to determine the Q's of both transformers and see how they are different. Then go from there.

Question, with a proper implementation of the RingNot, do I need a Salas 1.3? Or would the RingNot be sufficiently quiet and suitable to drive the Marsh Head Phone Amp?
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I've never seen or measured a Marsh Head Phone Amp. To find out what kind of a power supply it requires, I think you'll need to get in touch with the Marsh Head Phone Amp experts.

In the same way that I don't know diddly about that HPA, there's a good chance they don't know diddly about RingNot, so make sure to give them a legible schematic.
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And make sure to also give the Marsh Head Phone Amp people this photograph of a RingNot PCB, to remind everyone what the RingNot design is, and is not, attempting to achieve. I imagine the RingNot schematic, and this photo, will be more than enough for them to confidently offer advice about what to connect to their Head Phone Amp.


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Mark, It appears so. There is a bit of debate as you can imagine, nothing drastic
mind you. There have been suggestions as to why RingNot, if there isn't a problem
to Morgan Jones writing about shunts a solution looking for a problem, and
bringing up the possibility that snubbers can add noise that was not there before.

And, round and round we go.

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