Just fishin'

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I have a Nagatron HA 9000 phono pre step-up device for mc carts. I bought it second hand a long time ago and only recently received some specs published in Stereo Review in December 1978.

All previous enquiries on various boards re other users of this marvellous device, drew blanks.

Any other users out there??


Hi EC8010

I have a digital camera, I have pics on my computer and I MUST sort this pic posting biz out shortly.

Thanks for the interest. This Nagatron device is very good. I don't know where they all disappeared to. I often thought do I have the only one outside Japan? There was also a matching cart with this equipment - the Nagatron HV-9100 - which was a ribbon transducer with a single turn of wire or ribbon for each channel, with an exceptionally strong magnet (neodymium?) and an output of 0,04mV.



according to another post elsewhere

The Nagatron HA-9000 pre pre-amp was a closed book to me for the last 12 years or so I've had it.
During 2005, esteemed VE member Starboy sent me very kindly, some neatly bound specs which I quote for
general interest: Nominal gain 40dB which equates to a voltage gain of 100x. Frequency response 10 to
200'000Hz +- 1dB. Total harmonic distortion of 0,01% @ 1'000Hz. Input impedance = 20 Ohm. It is of course
battery powered by 4 C cells for each channel (which last for months). I can't see inside as it's copper and
alu casework is either glued or soldered shut. Everytime I see a tinopener, I am tempted but have resisted until now...

Though the DC part in the name worries me slightly,
does it deliver DC also for some exotic cartridge ?
(could mean direct coupled though.......)

It is the correct gain for 40uV, very low output, too much for most
cartridges in that you may get clipping issues in the MM stage.

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