is there any any good Mp3-Player??

OK so I could use some old P4 workstation that I have sitting around at no cost plus some linux "MPD" plus some MPD controller app. That would be a solution for using only one machine.
Other idea is to find some "hifi" media player or front USB blu-ray player plus old used screen. They are available from 50 euros so no big deal IF I find one that fulfils my spec from this thread which is the critical thing.
Generally I d like to reverse the things: not the manufacturers should tell me what the product can do (with me having to pull the info which takes tons of time), but I write a specification and some manufacturers qualify to this, betting for being the cheapest guy. At least that is the way we do it in B2B world. But B2C is much different. the customer is no real king there.....has to take what he gets and hope for the best.
Well, you did provide your spec here. What I proposed will certainly meet your spec as I understood it. All the software I noted is free, and the hardware is pretty available at low cost.
I've set this up several times, and can certainly vouch for stability. Yes, you can simply power your read-only Linux off, without any issues. MPD, though, maintains a db of your music, crawling the directory tree. You can specify where it puts that and other useful info, so it doesn't have to crawl it again on startup (SS disk?). Yes, you can trigger a new crawl from the app.
Please remember, this is a DIY forum, you're going to get DIY answers, less commercial answers....
hello thanks for your help. If I start experimenting with the MPD distro, then I must find some readonly storage for my workstation, otherwise would have 2 shut down -h now every time. My station consists of a mainboard psu p4 ht processor some ram chips, graphcard, and an internal harddisk. how to best modify?
Hm. Well, easiest way would be to partition your drive when you're installing the OS. That's pretty easy. Once you get the OS and the apps all installed, you can"mount" the drive as Read-Only. For testing that'll to it. If your drive is a flash drive, that will do permanently. Nothing exotic to buy.

Thinking about it... Partition your drive into two areas. Root and all the OS/applications in one, user's home directory in the other. Make the OS partition read-only after everything is up and working, and you're there.
So to sum up:

Daphile is some music server OS based on linux that lacks the possibility of on-site control, right?
MPD is an application on top of an existing linux install that can play music bit-perfectly. Since it runs on some distribution, it can be controlled locally too, from another app. Right? Aiming for MPD, what distribution should I choose (for fast boot-up)? Any suggestions?
Which distribution doesn't much matter. MPD runs on 'em all. The fast-boot tricks include:
1. SSD boot
2. Install "server" not "desktop"
Using the old, original slow HD on my old laptop, boot is around 25 seconds. With no graphical interface to initialize, and far fewer applications, the server install boots much faster. I installed Ubuntu, but MPD runs on any of 'em.
OK but I need a distro that does not suffer from Pulseaudio, Alsamixer, Kmixer and the like.

Believe me, you want to have alsamixer at hand. Please learn what these terms mean first.

Take a look at puppy linux. It is designed in the direction you are looking for. Yes it needs a bit of MPD configuration, very likely in command line.

Openelec is xbmc-based. I am not sure that pretty heavy-weight environment is what you want for your streamlined audio player. But it certainly works fine and most likely will not have any audible effect on sound (ABX test of course).
can you tell me please what product you use that price i can afford. on the other hand, I today listened to the headphone out of a linux mint xfce based clementine player on an asus eepc 1000h and i could not detect this output to be any worse than my quite high endish focusrite scarlett connected plug ynd play to the same hardware. ok, the office envionment was somehow noisy with the pc fans
s running..... i slowly start to think why not use an old netbook with "good" sound chip internal, some xfce distro, hope to get about 2vrms at 100% playback. clementine and install all that on a lightning fast 64gb ssd so that i get boot under 25secs and can command shutdown with the mouse then instantly turn off all the ac power for the whole disco system and leave, while the netbook maybe continues the shutdown for several more seconds. we found clementine today to not suffer from aliasing, playing a 0 -22000hz sweep at 44100 and a 0-24000 sweep at 48000. based on the fact that 98% of my files are 44100, that is not bad....