IMD measurement with a no-options SYS-2322

Hi all,

After several years away from audio things because of work, I now found the time to be back to this hobby :)

So some days ago I was able to acquire a System two 2322. The price was very interesting and it still was perfectly calibrated and in mint condition, functionally and aesthetically. And with its PCI card.

But there is no free lunch, and it is has no options.

Searching on the forum I found out that some users were able to design (and sell) a brickwall AES17 compliant lowpass and an AWGT filter

I'd like to have at least the IMD board for measuring DACs and if someone had one to sell I would buy it for sure. It would be great to find an S-AES17 option too [I know there is a guy that worked at AP that had probably some of them to sell @Audio1Man is his nickname, I emailed him some days ago but still got no reply]

So question time:
1) Are IMD and S-AES17 mandatory tools for testing DACs? [I still have to build some experience into audio devices testing]
2) I saw that the DSP D/A generator has IMD tones generation but with no IMD option the Analog Analyzer has the IMD function disabled. Is there a meaningful way to use the IMD D/A tones with the Digital Analyzer, DSP etc making the IMD option not necessary?
3) Is a 2322, despite old, an useful tool to evaluate digital devices that have today performances that were not existent when it was designed (48k digital analyser is a limitation already with 96kHz and 192kHz being common today)?

I am just evaluating if I could get something meaningful from it or I should trade it in as soon as it has some value and wait to gather money to buy something more actual like, say, an APx515 or a Prism M1 for example.

Thank you for valuable opinion!
Take the FFT and compute the total IMD from the spurs? After all that's what the option would be automating isn't it?
Measurement options are usually there to automate the processing of the readings, but you can do that the boring way if you have to.

Whether your test tones or the basic digitization of the unit are sufficiently accurate depends on what performance you want to be able to prove. These days a high spec soundcard plus software might be a better route - the measurements then become a software problem (find or write).

AWGT filter?
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
As far as I am aware, you can use the digital multitone analyzer for this. Specify the multitone as the two frequencies you want to use for the IMD.

Or use the digital FFT analyzer as mentioned by Mark.



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