idea of a "ultimative" hornspeaker system

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but I found something even more intersting than the pictures. Could you detail a bit on that 2" special Coaxial compresion Driver/Tweeter in Audio Voice Sonata?

I don't remember seeing anywhere a dual concentric compresion driver... so this must be something special..
angeloitacare said:
more pictures at :

your comments and sugestions are welcome.
Interesting design, and I'll watch it's development with interest.

For work reasons, I'm currently living in another city and had to dismantle my horn mains and LABhorn subs and go back to direct radiators (KEF 104/2).

I'm in the planning stages for a new and improved rig when I return, based upon my previous experiments. Current plans call for Azura 240 horns with a small coax (Radian, Hemp or BMS) from about 200Hz up and a hypex driven by a pair of 15's from there down to about 60Hz. Subs will be IB's in the ceiling with the 24 15" drivers I have laying about.

SunRa said:

but I found something even more intersting than the pictures. Could you detail a bit on that 2" special Coaxial compresion Driver/Tweeter in Audio Voice Sonata?

I don't remember seeing anywhere a dual concentric compresion driver... so this must be something special..
The BMS driver data can be found here.
4590 or 4592ND. I've been using the 4590's at home since 2001 or so.
Paul W said:
Which horn did you use with the 4590's? Crossover? After living with them for a good while, what is your subjective impression of the driver? Strengths and weaknesses?
Hi Paul,

I tried a ton of different flares an xovers with them. Simplest xovers were passive using what I had on hand to get an 18dB slope on oither side. Also used active LR24 and a Sony digital system (forget #) but similar to Driverack.

Flares included JBL 2380, some big F'glass (iirc HR1020?), Yuichi Arai 290 Hypex, 270 round tractrix, big conicals and I started experimenting with oblate spheroids just before I moved.

There were too many amps used to list.

It's a very good driver, a bit hard to cross passively unless patient, LR24 is good, very clean and transparent, but of course they sound different on different flares. Cross them above 400Hz >12dB for best results as they seem to muddy up is used lower. Many of my experimants were attempting to use my KHorn bass bin, but never really integrated well. Add a short midbass horn 150-600, and they were superb. I've not used a better driver in this range yet, and I doubt you'll find one for less money.

Further to my comments above about building a new big system, I may order a smaller set of Azurahorns and use these in it >600-800Hz, with the largest model 150 - 600 or so.
It's a very good driver, a bit hard to cross passively unless patient, LR24 is good, very clean and transparent, but of course they sound different on different flares. Cross them above 400Hz >12dB for best results as they seem to muddy up is used lower. Many of my experimants were attempting to use my KHorn bass bin, but never really integrated well. Add a short midbass horn 150-600, and they were superb. I've not used a better driver in this range yet, and I doubt you'll find one for less money.

Thanks...looks like they will handle what I want them to do with no problem (700-800Hz). I had originally discounted them because the choppy impedance curve would, as you say, be an exercise in "patient" crossover design. On second thought though, a tough crossover may be a good investment. How loud did you play them, in what size room?
bms drivers

i like the orpheans witch use the bms4592nd very mutch. however, i would like to compare it with other drivers. the radian 950 T got my atention recently, has someone of yours any experience with it ?
the most compromised part of using one horn to reproduce all the frequency range from 400 up to 22kz with these coax drivers is the high frequency region, as it has to come from a deep horn, so the dispersion is not good. i will compare soon disconnecting the 1" radiator, and using a separate tweeter.

rds angelo
Paul W said:

Thanks...looks like they will handle what I want them to do with no problem (700-800Hz). I had originally discounted them because the choppy impedance curve would, as you say, be an exercise in "patient" crossover design. On second thought though, a tough crossover may be a good investment. How loud did you play them, in what size room?
Save greif, go active.

I played them very, very loud (at times) in quite a large room; about 60% of my house consists of an open plan living/dining room with cathedral ceilings for the most part. I remember once 'demonstrating' my system to a guy whod bought one of those Bose HT in a box + 5 speaker systems and he complained that it (my system) didn't sound very loud. My RS SPL meter was hard against the stops at the time and it was still so clean we could comfortably converse over the top of it. The Police were regular visitors re the noise levels from the old bag next door who liked to complain. Eventually she left to go into a retirement castle and the young couple who bought the place shared my taste in music and listrening levels. The crockery next door is bouncing off the table - Brett must be home. :) Gotta love corner loaded LABhorns too.
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