I Want To Have A Law That Prohibits Cell Phone Screen Shots In TV Shows

Or at least if you have a shot of a cell phone screen then you have to blow it up several times and hold it longer so that people can read it.

I don’t know about you, but I can’t read the ******* cell phone messages. The text is just plain too small. Maybe if I was sitting very close to the TV I could read it. But that’s not where I usually sit.

On top of that they always tilt the cell phone. Sometimes as much as 45 degrees. So now I have to try to read it sideways instead of straight up and down. I don’t read books or newspapers tilted. My brain expects the image to be upright.

And to make matters even worse, they only leave the shot on for 1 to 2 seconds. So the other part of my new law is that you have to leave the cell phone screen shot on for at least 5 to 10 seconds. Then maybe I'll have at least a chance to read it.

My wife is a faster reader than I am, so sometimes she can catch the message. Then I have to ask her what it said and we have to stop the TV program so that she can tell me. Doesn’t make her happy or me either. I don’t know if this is a problem for anyone else or not, but it sure is for me.

There didn’t use to be a problem before cell phones, but now there is. So if this is also a problem for you maybe you can help me get a bill passed through congress to put an end to it. There really has to be a law to fix this.
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I vote to just have it added to the CC. CC is for us old geezers who can’t hear anymore, and us old geezers who can’t see anymore sort of fall into the same category. And a good many old geezers aren’t going to pay extra for TV they used to get for free (or for a fixed price they’ve been paying for the last 20 years) so continuously adding more and more streaming services won’t be an option (they’d opt to turn it off).

I can’t see the TV worth a damn if I have my reading glasses on. In my usual position, I can read the CCs better without glasses than with. But print any smaller or blurrier on the same screen, forget it without. I have to resort to the pause button to read computer/phone texts on TV shows, or even to wade through the credits if there’s something of interest. I really don’t want to jack with it unless I’m looking for something specific, so the text message had better be big enough or important enough or I just ignore it.

The CCs would help with the duration issue as well - the last two lines are usually left up on the screen long enough to read with comprehension. I watch a good many TV shows with the sound off when there is a crazy amount of ambient noise going on. It’s easier to filter when you simply ignore all sound and focus your efforts on reading.
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My last TV was a 14" CRT set so imagine you.

I would want a law to limit ads abusing: some emeging from the top of screen, another from the bottom and embedded in the text. And now the cookies policy wall. I refuse all I can. I accept reasonable ads quantity to mantain web page costs and some money gain for the owner, but several times there is an unacceptable abuse.