I don't believe cables make a difference, any input?

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diyAudio Senior Member
Joined 2002

And this was determined how exactly? The same way in which teleportation tweaks and the like are discovered to be "audible"?


You haven't changed one bit (which is less than a byte FYI) over the past 8 years.
Worse still, you haven't even learned anything.

So, there you have my thoughts brought to you by a piece of CAT 5e cable.

How do you THINK it was determined, Stevie?

Cheers, ;)
What is amazing to me, is that the 'experts' here don't even know much about Mogami. I started with Mogami, about 25 years ago, for Vendetta Research products. They were pretty darn good, pretty, well made, flexible, pure, etc. I graduated to Vandenhul mono crystal, and finally to BEAR pure silver wire, properly broken in, and directionalized. So there, novices in wire design. ;-)

Ok, let's try this in reverse. Rather than what the BEAR wire does, please tell if you can now "hear" coloration in Mogami since your double graduation. If so, using what method...and more specifically, exactly what source material?
Just a random thought, I beg your indulgence. I think all this is not about cables, it is about faith in the superiority of being human, and with cable guys, their senses.

Some people deap down are afraid of where science and technology is taking us, and they delight in areas where they think science can't provide the answers, or technology is inferior to human ability. Remember the early chess computers which were always outwitted by human chess masters. It was said then that a machine will never beat the human mind. We loved it, we were clearly superior to machines, alas that proved not to be the case.

What science is revealing about us and the universe can be scary, and some people would rather stick with the comfort of their old (un-scientific) beliefs, and if questioned will fight tooth and nail to stay comfortable. Their choice I guess.
Just a random thought, I beg your indulgence. I think all this is not about cables, it is about faith in the superiority of being human, and with cable guys, their senses.

Some people deap down are afraid of where science and technology is taking us, and they delight in areas where they think science can't provide the answers, or technology is inferior to human ability. Remember the early chess computers which were always outwitted by human chess masters. It was said then that a machine will never beat the human mind. We loved it, we were clearly superior to machines, alas that proved not to be the case.

What science is revealing about us and the universe can be scary, and some people would rather stick with the comfort of their old (un-scientific) beliefs, and if questioned will fight tooth and nail to stay comfortable. Their choice I guess.

Great post fredex,in fact one that could be a great thread in itself.Not an effort to cover all points of your post(I feel there are many in it)but a simple question comes to mind.What is science if not the completion of the efforts of the human brain?Human brain will always be the limit of science.
Some people deap down are afraid of where science and technology is taking us, and they delight in areas where they think science can't provide the answers, or technology is inferior to human ability. Remember the early chess computers which were always outwitted by human chess masters. It was said then that a machine will never beat the human mind. We loved it, we were clearly superior to machines, alas that proved not to be the case.

What science is revealing about us and the universe can be scary, and some people would rather stick with the comfort of their old (un-scientific) beliefs, and if questioned will fight tooth and nail to stay comfortable. Their choice I guess.

Nailed it. Excellent.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Huh? I guess if you lean to that side of the argument, one might feel that way. I am one that regardless of what anyone tells me to be "true", I will still trust what I have seen and what I have experienced as "truth".

As you well should! 'Truth' is very personal, and often (mostly?) individual truths are quite different.

AX tech editor
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I accept that Janneman. I can not speak for anyone other than myself. I would never state that anyone has to accept my views about anything in life.

Its complicated though. The 'scientific method' tries to uncover 'truth' that is the same for anyone. For instance, gravity works for anyone. If you drop an apple, it falls down. That's your 'truth'. If I drop an apple, it also falls down (see ps); that's my 'truth'. I can safely predict that if you drop a pear instead of an apple, it will also fall down.

This whole 'scientific method' thing is behind the asking for DBT: trying to uncover a 'truth' that is the same for anyone, so that we can safely predict that if we use say, cable xyz, it will sound 'good' for anyone.


ps It is theoretically possible that an apple falls upward when released. There is a non-zero probability that that happens. I don't remember the details but I've seen a statistical calculation that showed that the probability of it happening was so exceedingly low, that it would take many universe lifetimes to make it happen with some probablility.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
Paid Member
Huh? I guess if you lean to that side of the argument, one might feel that way. I am one that regardless of what anyone tells me to be "true", I will still trust what I have seen and what I have experienced as "truth".

The problem of course comes when you and somebody else have opposing views of the 'truth'. You cannot both be right, but you both *think* you are right. So one of you is wrong. Who is it? ;)

Its complicated though. The 'scientific method' tries to uncover 'truth' that is the same for anyone. For instance, gravity works for anyone. If you drop an apple, it falls down. That's your 'truth'. If I drop an apple, it also falls down (see ps); that's my 'truth'. I can safely predict that if you drop a pear instead of an apple, it will also fall down.

This whole 'scientific method' thing is behind the asking for DBT: trying to uncover a 'truth' that is the same for anyone, so that we can safely predict that if we use say, cable xyz, it will sound 'good' for anyone.


ps It is theoretically possible that an apple falls upward when released. There is a non-zero probability that that happens. I don't remember the details but I've seen a statistical calculation that showed that the probability of it happening was so exceedingly low, that it would take many universe lifetimes to make it happen with some probablility.

Very interresting scientific approach.Only that human senses are not falling apples or fruits.And,although a cable "xyz" might sound "good" to anyone,some other cables will sound better to others.
This whole 'scientific method' thing is behind the asking for DBT: trying to uncover a 'truth' that is the same for anyone, so that we can safely predict that if we use say, cable xyz, it will sound 'good' for anyone.

I have to disagree. The best one can do on a scientific basis is determine that cables A and B will or won't sound different, either to a subset of listeners or to all listeners. Which one sounds "good" is a purely esthetic judgment and is not transportable nor amenable to scientific analysis. True, one can do further work and correlate what sounds "good" to most people with an objective measure, but not everyone will agree on the "good" part.
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