I don't believe cables make a difference, any input?

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Im not the one who thinks he has super hearing and all scientific evidence is wrong. All you bring to this discusion (which it isnt anymore) is your arrogant self rightous attitude that you are right and no matter what the evidence, everyone who has any semblance of objectivism is wrong.Most veteran mixers trust there hearing less than you. (guys whos careers depend on it and spend 8 hours a day manipulating and comparing sound) The ones with your attitude dont last very long. Most of the objectivists seem open to new findings as long as it makes some scientific sense. They are willing to look into it. You on the other hand are always right and never doubt your thoughts. No wonder your a salesman. What a world anyone who has to deal with you has to live in!

Of course we all hear differently (look at all the diferent ear lobes for a start) its that wonderous brain (maybe social convention/conditioning etc ) that makes us hear similarly. (wonder if Calahari bushmen do or people who used to be deaf)
Self righteous! How about all of you nay sayers that will not accept that a human being is capable of something simple as listening? You will never get over it will you that people like me do hear what we say that we hear, but not to be "super humans", it is just that we have trained ourselves to recognize changes. Why do lose sleep over such a trivia matter, that I just don't see as anything special or unique? Am I living rent free in your head too now. Unbelievable!
Thats funny, you sound exactly like the people who believe in a flat earth.
"I dont care what the science is, I am right, the earth is flat"

You are also a hypocrite!

What in the world makes me a hypocrite? As the old saying goes, if you are pointing one finger at me there are three pointing back at you. Get over yourself. You are a feeble man that has not an original thought in your head!

Besides I do use "technical" reasoning to listen. At least I try to listen where you obviously would not know what music sounds like unless it came from a computer. If you want to continue attacking me for my beliefs please know that I will not stop replying. If the mods allow your sort to run this forum, only what you value as truth will ever be heard. Now that is a frightening thought isn't it!
Take a close look at the last post made by Anatech.....He gives you attention :D

Magura :)

Again if your scientific jibberish is all that is allowed as truth, then I could care less what anyone thinks about me or my posts. If I am attacked I will respond. PERIOD! So you can either back off and lighten up or this will never stop. I have every right to my opinions, whether it is based upon science or my experience. If not, it is not me that lives on a flat earth!
Name calling. Thats the best you can do? Do you know what hypocrite means?

"At least I try to listen where you obviously would not know what music sounds like unless it came from a computer. "

Since 95 % of music in the last 5 (maybee 10) years was recorded on a computer your wrong again. Yet another uneducated statement!
This thread is amazing, I can't read it all. Did anyone post this yet? I'm sure it's not a unique study, as the findings are fairly obvious and likely account for the majority of audible differences heard between speaker cables. http://www.bruce.coppola.name/audio/cableInteractions.pdf

The gist: low inductance cables will lead to more uniform response - up until the point that their high capacitance pushes your amp to instability and sound completely horrible. :spin:

My objectivist policy is to use Kimber 4PR (low-L high-C) on amps I trust, and Radio Shack lamp cord (high-L low-C) on those that I don't. But subjectively, I'd be willing to take the Pepsi challenge on high-L low-C vs. low-L high-C any day with my tube amps (typical DF 10-20). The difference is audibly detectable with well-behaved speakers and tube amplifiers, and would be especially obvious if the high-C causes the amps to go partially unstable.
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Name calling. Thats the best you can do? Do you know what hypocrite means?

"At least I try to listen where you obviously would not know what music sounds like unless it came from a computer. "

Since 95 % of music in the last 5 (maybee 10) years was recorded on a computer your wrong again. Yet another uneducated statement!

If I keep getting attacked I will attack back. The moderators obviously allow you to say anything that you feel like without impunity, including some of them.
You choose to see only what you want to see. I can not help what you think or how you think.
When you grow up I will follow suit my friend

"You are one of the most stupid people that I have ever ran into before."

This is one of the worst statements I have seen on this website (and theres probably a lot of people who are starting to think this of you but they wont say it because there adults) and you should be spanked for it.

No one has attacked you like this. We just point out the gap between your statements and reason.
"You are one of the most stupid people that I have ever ran into before."

This is one of the worst statements I have seen on this website (and theres probably a lot of people who are starting to think this of you but they wont say it because there adults) and you should be spanked for it.

No one has attacked you like this. We just point out the gap between your statements and reason.

What ever, I am through with this. I am tired of the "pack mentality" here and the close minded people that will only accept what they believe or "know" to be true. I only know what my experiences have taught me and I will defend them vehemently. If someone believes otherwise, they are discredited as being an "audiofool" or countless other petty names.
If that aint the pot calling the kettle...

Do you read what you right.

Learn about basic science (and electronics IS science) and how keeping an open mind (being unbiased) is a mandatory requirement. And most of the scientist on this site are more open minded than most. You on the other hand.

I refuse to continue this with you or anyone else. It is going nowhere.
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