Hypex Ncore

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Why always insist that their offer matches any consumer needs/likes when it is too obvious it does not? :grumpy:

"it is too obvious it does not?" Really? It might not match *your* likes...

Why not try to understand what people would like before imposing what they consider the best for them?:confused:
Trying to please everybody tends to lead to very average products. Hypex has been gong for a reasonably knowledgeable target audience, leaving the mass market to OEMs.
Someone trying to be an expert for all things, will usually end up being mediocre at everything.

Too many variations will end up either killing your profits or become more expensive for your customers.

That said - I'd love a single, or even better, a dual 100-150W NCore module for DIY use, and a plate amp with a 3-channel DLCP and 2x150+1x400W NCores would be totally awesome...

I understand it may seem weird to use a 200W amp for horns, but first of all that's the amps I already had. Secondly, despite that horns need a lot less power I'm not sure I will be able to find small amps with the same transparency as Ncore. Even with high sensitive horn speakers.

I do have an AMS0100 module laying here but based on the datasheet I doubt it's as transparent sounding as Ncore. I will compare it when I've built it.
http://www.anaview.com/sites/defaul...review/public/modules/image/PDS AMS0100-I.pdf

I've compared AMS1000 to NC400 using a passive speaker with 95 dB sensitivity, and I found NC400 had better clarity and openness in the upper frequencies. Sorry, no blindtest Julf. Waiting for you to build me a switching box :)

I can see some advantages using a network in the speakers ds23man. I will look into it. Thanks for the advice!
Just a bit off topic...

Bjørn - didn't you have a rather nice DLCP front made for you at Modushop? Was this a design they had available, or did you have to provide CAD drawings?

That's correct. I got the design from ds23man (active in this thread). He is the one behind it, not Modushop. Ask him if you can use it. It looks very nice!


  • DLCP bilde 002 (Large).JPG
    DLCP bilde 002 (Large).JPG
    127 KB · Views: 379
I understand it may seem weird to use a 200W amp for horns, but first of all that's the amps I already had. Secondly, despite that horns need a lot less power I'm not sure I will be able to find small amps with the same transparency as Ncore. Even with high sensitive horn speakers.

I understand that Ncore might sound so extraodinary, but as an Hypex customer, using 2XDS4.0 400W plate amp for a one octave bass extended by eq closed box ( about 12dbs) on a 3way system, i won't put the money that costs a 4X400W Ncore affair for mid and high freqs, since i am currently covering my power requirements with humble 10-15W Tamps for mids and highs, which i consider modern EL84 replacements. And it is not a question of money since i can waste the same amount on freaky drivers, but i simply do not want do buy the hundreds of WATTS the NCORE for dyers is currently based on. I do not live in a disco bar and hope my power requirements make any sense...:cool:
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I understand that Ncore might sound so extraodinary, but as an Hypex customer, using 2XDS4.0 400W plate amp for a one octave bass extended by eq closed box ( about 12dbs) on a 3way system, i won't put the money that costs a 4X400W Ncore affair for mid and high freqs, since i am currently covering my power requirements with humble 10-15W Tamps for mids and highs, which i consider modern EL84 replacements. And it is not a question of money since i can waste the same amount on freaky drivers, but i simply do not want do buy the hundreds of WATTS the NCORE for dyers is currently based on. I do not live in a disco bar and hope my power requirements make any sense...:cool:

One could argue that the nc400's sound just as good at 5W, and are pretty energy-efficient, so you just happen to get a huge amount of headroom for free, for that once-in-a-lifetime short transient... :)
One could argue that the nc400's sound just as good at 5W, and are pretty energy-efficient, so you just happen to get a huge amount of headroom for free, for that once-in-a-lifetime short transient... :)

Lol, this reminds me of a 2A3 PSE fairy dust factory i must still have abandonned in the garage or who knows where, which probably consumed more watts idle than those nc400...:D

Frankly, it makes sense that high quality pro amps is Hypex main business, but the rest of the business, home audio, diyaudio, i don't think is well adressed.:warped:

But i also understand that as a businesses home and diy audio suck like hell...
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What do you think DIY means?

If you can't interface the product, go buy a retail product that you like. And quit complaining.

By the way the nCore needs to have an input buffer on it as the input impedance of the power amp section is quite low and 99% of preamps and sources cannot drive it. Bruno did us a great service by designing a lovely discrete input opamp and including it in the nCore400 design in a balanced input configuration.

You can find Bruno's description of designing it and the parameters used earlier in this thread. You do know how to use a search engine don't you?

Ncores (UcDs) XLR input sounding better fed by XLR?

In the discussion between GDO and Julf the latter wrote, Ncores XLR Input is not a problem since there are adaptors available for RCA.
But there are rumours, that the sound potential of Ncore (and UcD?) is only evoked fully by using XLR sources.
Are there any experiences, any theoretical reasons?

(Unfortunately, my digital X-over is equipped with RCA outputs, otherwise...)
Use balanced XLR connectors on the amp itself. Neutrik's EMC ones are nice. Search for Bruno's "dealing with pin 1 problems" article to see how to configure the single ended interconnect cable (sec 4.5). The EMC connectors help here as they use s circular cap and ferrite bead to create the RC network for you.
But there are rumours, that the sound potential of Ncore (and UcD?) is only evoked fully by using XLR sources.

There are rumours on the internet about pretty much anything possible. :)

Are there any experiences, any theoretical reasons?

(Unfortunately, my digital X-over is equipped with RCA outputs, otherwise...)
Definitely experiences - I can state that I have been using single-ended (RCA-connector-equipped) sources with an adaptor cable, and found no negative effects with the short lengths of cable I have been using. As SGK states, there are good theoretical reasons to use XLR connectors and an adapter cable.

Maybe we should let Bruno/Hypex have the final word?

By convention the input connector is a female XLR. How this benefits systems that already use balanced connections is obvious. Importantly though, it benefits unbalanced setups almost equally.

Having made sufficiently clear that there is, in fact, no reason why anyone should ever want to waste a perfectly good balanced input by putting the module in a box with RCA inputs, it is likely that some will persist.
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