Hi from UK & Goa

Hi, I am retired and try to mess about with electronics & stuff to keep a few grey cells active.
My first "Hi-Fi" was a Garrard Deck + TripleTone valve amp feeding an 8" dual cone speaker in a triangular baffle hung from the picture rail in the corner of my bedroom. When stereo came in I doubled up on the amp (control spindles projected from the back so you could join them) and moved on to a Goldring Lenco 75 (in preference to the then standard Garrard 301) with KEF speakers in home made enclosures.
I still have a couple of old KEFs here in Goa but to meet down-sizing space constraints in the UK I was lucky enough to find a cheapish pair of mis-treated Spendor S5e's to restore. I can't decide which I prefer.
I am currently in the process of building a spare pair of speakers using 'moderately priced' components (see my post on the Beginners Crossover forum.

Cheers (_)?