Greater Toronto Area DIY meetup

Hmm, who was it that owns the TVC? I had a great idea.
Can you tell me how many positions on the left and right controls?

That will be me ;). I think it is either 21 or 23 steps on the volume. Not 100% sure though.

I will bring the TVC. Together with my soon to be completed one op-amp based $5 pre-amp and may be the class D TPA3122 based amp.

Just posted this on youtube last night... It still in the development stage.

bluetooth relay demo -- audio source selector - YouTube

Anyone interested in a Raspberry PI? I've picked up a bundle, but still waiting on a few suppliers to round out my package.
I've got Raspbery Pies, usb to ethernet adapters, clear plastic cases, 3ft network patch cables, a few usb to micro usb cables. (Still waiting on SD memory cards, and power adapters).
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