Frugel-Horn XL for Alpair 10.3/10p, Fostex FF165wk, more

Thanks for the kind thoughts. Yes, been in the hospital for going on 5weeks now. Open heart surgery and, so far only minor post-op complications /delays can take a lot out of a guy-so it'll likely not be until into the New Year before he'll be anywhere near a keyboard. I've intentionally turned the data service off on my cellphone before entering his room.

There really isn't an appropriate emoji or smiley face here to express the complexity of feelings of having yet another close friend or even closer family member go through the Russian Roulette / meatgrinder into which the modern Western Medical "System" can sometimes be scapegoated by the emotionally scarred patients and loved ones. If there was, the code would contain a high percentage of expletives- including several multiple words

Thanks Chrisb for the update. I have been away for so long ugh. I hope and pray for a speedy recovery for our dear friend in this diy forum Mr. Dave.
(who I have bought so many speakers from Lol).
Yours truly Mr. Jeff
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Every case is different but it might be useful to give Dave a tablet or something similar to give him a mental escape from the hospital room. I had a triple bypass last New Years Eve and have fortunately recovered well. Fortunately I had given my wife a Kindle Fire for Xmas and she brought it in for me to use. Even though I was hooked up to all sorts of tubes, needles and wires, I was able to use the Kindle to take my mind off my immediate problems and think more positively about the future.

Since I had been told that I would not be able to lift anything over 10 pounds, I decided to design a light weight tube amp. It kept me occupied for hours and eventually I built the thing (18 lb including box). Perhaps Dave could think about designing a 10 pound FHXL.

Ratbag - knowing Dave as well as I do, and after my last couple of visits, I think a tablet /Pad would be premature at this point. He's not thinking or communicating clearly enough yet to be recognizable to most folks, and he'd almost certainly overdo it and run into conflicts with his medical care providers, and Ruth. If you think Dave is a minor force of nature- you've not met Ms DeFehr;)

Am I wrong, Cal?
Ruth is truly one of the most powerful, yet patient people on the planet. She has the capacity to deal with the likes of Cal, me, Chris and of course Dave. She cares and looks after people in spite of themselves.

Ruth is one of the very special people.
If Ruth is not happy you screwed up! Do what she says.
A quick question for people in the know, If I were to add a tweeter in a box to the XL's should it follow the profile of the sloping front baffle of the XL's.

I am thinking about getting a pair of the Fostex tweeters/Fostex attenuators and suitable caps to put in box, following the lines from the top of the XL's cabinet. Basically whats on the bottom of this PDF,

I know some people frown upon adding a tweeter to a full range driver/speaker but adding it in a box allows me to use and not use it without altering the main speaker physically. A lot of the recordings I play are fine, jazz for example, but I do listen to electronic music as well and they have some high frequency's that the XL's miss.

Any info much appreciated chaps.

I purchased my Alpair 10 Enabled for the XL's from Dave earlier this year and I hope he makes a speedy recovery as well.
Jeremy - which model of A10s are those? While the the 10P has an arguably "softer" top end than the 10.3 metal, perhaps it's my "vintage" ears , but I don't miss much from the latter.

That said, for the substantial difference in cost - i.e. approx 1/3 that of the FT96 - I'd suggest you consider the FT17H . Both these tweeters have as much as 11dB extra sensitivity over either of the A10s, so unless crossed over very high some attenuation would be required, and the R80B does look like a decent enough mono L-Pad, but I think the Fostex labelled caps are overpriced - or should I say I've never had the difference between a Copper/Tin foil PPTA film cap and a garden variety poly film like the Solens or even cheapie Bennics demonstrated to me.

I'd certainly follow the 5dg tilt back of the front baffle, and by my quick guesstimate, you'd need an approx 4 1/2" tall closed box to tidily fit either of them and the the L-pad atop the XL.
Hi Chris, I've actually got three sets of drivers 10PeN/10.3M Gold/MAOP10.2, I'm currently using the MAOP10.2, that's why I want a bit of flexibility using the attenuators considering the different signatures of the Alpairs, I have some cheap caps coming soon, polypropylene 0.47/1/1.5uF with those values I can play with individually and/or parallel to find the right value needed I think, then I can always get something better down the line, it wont be the fostex ones either. I'm no expert on this so if I'm in error please pick me up on anything glaringly wrong.

I was only drawn to the FT96 because of the nice binding posts on the back and the AlNiCo magnet, but if it's to be boxed up it wont be seen anyway, so if you think the FT17H more suitable then I'll go with them and yes they are much cheaper.

One last thing regarding the box, it will have a 5dg tilt on the front, approx 4 1/2" tall.

What about the width? I was thinking the same as the XL's, do you agree, I don't think I'll be using them with any other speaker so it would be in keeping with the appearance.

Thanks again, I've got to crash now so I'll be back tomorrow to respond if needs be.

Cheers, Jez.
If for no other reason than aesthetics, I'd be inclined to make the box for the tweeters the same width as the XLs themselves. To be honest, I've never heard the FT96 - it was the price for that extra little bit of sparkle and detail up top that I thought was a bit out of synch with the "frugality" of the FH family. However, considering the stable of Alpair 10s you have from which to chose, that might not be an issue?

The only fault I can find in your plan is that I don't have a pair of the MAOP10s to play with. :mad:
Hi Chris,

I do run some nice components upstream so I'm not really on budget, the FT96H do look more appealing than the FT17H, the square front of the tweeter would also allow me to plonk them on top without a box initially, and it leans back with it's own tilt that's easy to adjust to 5dg.

I've done a bit more reading today regarding the cap value, if I start off using 1.5uF this should start the tweeter coming in around 13.3khz I think, and if so is this a suitable crossover point for the alpair's, or a higher point maybe?

I may hold off on the R80B attenuators for now, the reason is I saw the bigger transformer ones, the R100T, yes they are expensive but I could get those in a few months down the line, I can wait a bit if it's worth it, what do you think, overkill or wise investment.

Cheers, Jez.
The transformers certainly appeal from a technical point of view. I've never "heard" a pair - I guess their main claim to fame would be that you can't- but with the total cost of close to $500 per channel - close to double what I understand to be the cost of the most expensive of the Alpair drivers you named, that seems to me like well past the corner of diminishing returns.
To be honest, if I wanted to get speedy with a tweeter, I'd return directly to the best sounding such device I've ever heard - the ESS AMT - configure a tidy little wedge under them to match the tilt, and experiment with a cheap L-pad to find the required attenuation, then replace with fixed values of your favourite flavour of fixed resistors.
Thanks for your input Chris, I get your point with the ESS AMT, for the outlay of the Fostex combo, I'd be better off getting a better tweeter like the ESS AMT and using an L-pad, I can only top that with my dream tweeter which would be plasma, but unfortunately the company (Lansche) don't sell the tweeters on their own, yes I've enquired.

What model of ESS AMT would you recommend, there are three models here, all the same price in the sale at the moment, Heil AMT – ESS Labs., LLC

Happy Christmas, Jez
Jeez, the only model AMT I've played with was a couple of pairs of the original - equivalent I guess to the larger of the three listed. I do find the specs on the three a bit confusing in terms of sensitivity and suggested operating bandwidth, and am a bit surprised they're all at the same price, considering what I'd suspect to be a substantial difference in the amount of materials required for the stacked magnetic assemblies between the "Great" and the AMTIII.
FWIW, I've also heard good results in separate systems with the largest of the Dayton branded AMTPRO4 - although without a direct comparison, I'd venture to say the AMT would surpass it.
Dayton Audio AMTPRO-4 Air Motion Transformer Tweeter 4 Ohm