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First One - mosFET amplifier module

Hi Musiclovers

Time for me to share my FO 1.3 experience. Since i`m not a DIY guy, member Stereonet has done the work on my unit. Big thank you, Andrej.

I got my unit in August or September. It has been used in my system as well as in my friends system. We have tried it with at least 3 preamps and 4 different speaker in many combinations. I feel I can say that I know my FO very well by know.

My system is : Audio Aero Capitole Classic CDP ( borrowed from my friend ), Coincident Statement Line Stage, FO 1.3 amp, Hyperion 938 speakers, PS Audio PPP power regenerator, High Fidelity CT-1 E and U interconnects, Ridge Street Audio Poemia 3 speakercables ( Biwire ) and Sablon Audio Quantum Gran Corona and Robusto Powecables.

The reason I list my system is that I want you to know what FO can do with much higher priced components. So will FO deliver in a team of more expensive players?

FO does all the audiophile stuff with great confidence. Detail, soundstagin, speed etc is very high class. Someone posted about " poor prat and weak midbass ". About prat:
To me, in both my and my friends system, prat is one of FO most outstanding talents.
It made the other amps we compared it to sound old and tired. One of those other amps were the MC Intosh 501 mono blocks priced at more than 10.000 Euros list. This was very obvious and the impression is shared by the owner of the amps. You WILL NOT fall asleep listening to FO 1.3. The amp has the reflex of a cobra and the eyes of an eagle.

About bass: Yes, you can find an amp with fuller bass. The MC 501 spec is 500 w and it measures about 700 w/ mono block. It has a fuller bass , but is it better ?
FO is clearly faster and in no way weak. Monster powered amps may have more bass.
To me the FO bass is phenomenal.

I can understand that people likes the MC 501. They are powerfull and have a beautyfull sound. To me they are colored and that´s fine. Since first listening to FO 1.3 in his system my friend has sold his Mc Annaversary tube monos as well as his Mc 501 monos. A bird whispered in my ear that a FO 1.3 from the boss himself ( LC ) is on it`s way to our small city in Sweden. This guy has owned so many amp that both he and I have lost count. To name a few that comes to mind : Plinius SA 102, at least 3 different MC I setups, Devialet ( 2 weeks home trial ), at least 3 different Lebens ),
Radford, Woodside, Manley Snappers, Rouge 150 monos and many more.I have heard most of his amps and they all have their merits. All of those amps are in a different price category compared to FO. My former amp was the Audio research VT 100 MK 2. It was very good but honestly, I don`t miss it.

In terms of high end FO is considered " budget ". The only thing " budget " about FO is the price. After comparing FO side by side to many amps considered high end, there is only one conclusion to draw. Yes, the FO is highend. It will work with much more expensive players in the team.

Trust me, I was VERY suspicious when I was told about this amp. Could a DIY amp from Slovenia be any good ? And for peanuts ( in high end terms )?

Well, I was proven wrong. Sometimes I love to be wrong.
This amp will stay In my system.

The most important thing to me is not hifi parameters. Even if an amp is " perfect ", it`s not sure it will make magic. The trick for me is that FO has the ability to give me the big emotions. If I don`t get goose bumps, tears, airdrums etc I will loose interest.
I want to get blown away and FO does just that. Vocals are very emotional, drums have speed and impact. Some days I have listened all day and half the night.
Thats a good sign there is something special going on.

The FO is extremely transparent, but not harsh at all. Actually it is smooth and liquid.
To me it gives me a healty does of tube magic, without the oldschool tube bloat ( slow bloated bass, limited highs and to syrupy midrange ). I love a good tube amp but I don`t like tube failures, bias adjustemt and the cost of replacing tubes.

The FO is neutral, natural and musical at the same time. Not bad.

I will gladly answer questions about my FO.

I want to say thank you to everyone involved getting me this amp.
That includes of course the gentleman in London who made me aware of FO in the first place.

Happy new year,

Thanks you for your impressions. What are you using for power supply?. I assume this is a v1.2 upgraded to v1.3?

Hi glt,

On my side, I'm using 2x DPS-500/UR (New unregulated model also with new 1kW transfo) and they are totally incredible. I do have to update my review but with the holidays and a ton of other things that we call life, it was a little hard. Quiet times in January will allow me to do just that.

Do you have a document that states what the drill pattern for the heat sink is?


Hi Robert

Here's the mounting holes dimensions plan. It has to be oriented as drawn, so the lower edge of the drawing to the lower edge of the heatsink, for proper heat distribution. ;)


  • First One dimensions.jpg
    First One dimensions.jpg
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Hi Mikko

Glad that posting finally succeeded

Your First One amp has two SMPS1200A400 power supplies from Hypex, two DC sense boards and two First One modules v1.3

I know for quite some time that this little beast belongs to the high-end class but usually it is not paired with such good audio gear, so people are not even aware of what they are dealing with.

Thanks for thorough and vivid explanation of sound impressions, could open quite some eyes or ears, to be precise.

Regards. L.C. :cheers:
I do not know what to say, gentlemen.
Sound inetersno course, chic fast bass.
Bass is gorgeous, and involvement in the material is extremely small.
Middle, to put it mildly, dead, not many details in the sound.
Lost the essence of intonation.
Compared to other amplifiers for elaboration of the information and its availability, this amp has a rating of no more than 3 out of 5 ... (IMHO)

Here are two amplifiers for musical sound and relief images, higher than FO.
1. Genesis Dual Mono Genesis Dual Mono
(you need to disable crossover, make an entrance directly to the preamp)
2. Noosfera Echo Noosfera Echo. (relative to flow, it is necessary to put the transformer 1500 watts and replace TL072 on LME49720HA)
* Both of these amplifiers play more musically better untie scene from the speakers.
** But both of them lack the power of the bass, which is at the disposal FO.
If you listen to disco music, and there's not much point to the details, the choice is simple and obvious, FO there will be the option Winning bets must!

I use SMPS1200A180, though different from the requirements of the developer, but is included in the designated frame about the requirement. As a consequence, there may be differences in sound. I will try in the near future to gather the power supply to 60-0-60v. After that, more were tested.
But skepticism remains, the voltage, can not affect the sound quality of the midrange.

sorry for the bad english ...