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Exciting new line of fullrange drivers from Feastrex

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Official Court Jester
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What model are we talking about here? What size listening room, what kind of music and what volume levels?

I am going to use the vt52/RS241 to drive D5e II. in the room of 4.8mx6m.

The kind of music varied from classic rock to pop-jazz vocal and sometimes piano/violin concerto and rare occasion of full orchestra.
Re: sensitivity

gelatomonster said:
What model are we talking about here? What size listening room, what kind of music and what volume levels?

I am going to use the vt52/RS241 to drive D5e II. in the room of 4.8mx6m.

The kind of music varied from classic rock to pop-jazz vocal and sometimes piano/violin concerto and rare occasion of full orchestra.

That is about the size of my listening room, and for me the power of those amplifiers would be adequate with that kind of music, although I rarely listen at levels so loud that I have to really raise my voice to talk to someone near me.

16-ohm output, I presume? That seems to be what the Feastrex drivers like.

I'm going to ask my friend who uses the WE205D what he thinks, and I'll get back to you.

-- Chris
Hi Zen-Mod, very interesting boxes
is the driver maybe vintage RCA LC1 ?
He He...
By the way
I take a close look at the Feastrex drivers
(out of box from the hands...)
did not listen to them
thay are extremly serious drivers...
and could be taken like vintage by design and spirit...
there is no doubth
Also I took some simulations
And I find no other driver behavior like festrex.
They are so fast and responding.
The best results I find in a simple compression chamber.
So maybe the way to go is to put an extra handy work
and built a spherical box instaed of cubic...
The drivers naturaly roll of and geave aroom for the subfofer
in the very low end.
I did not measure the highs but most lightly the same situation.
These new ones with exotic material used I like too
very good indeed.
Special one-off pair of all-Permendur 9-inch field coil drivers

(The following is translated from the Japanese-language blog of Feastrex�fs president, so you may discount the "objectivity" accordingly. Even after discounting I have decided that I must find some way to go hear these speakers for myself before they leave Japan for good after June 8. I have no idea what they cost and I don't even plan to ask, as I know there is absolutely no way I could afford them, unless perhaps I win the lottery. -- Chris)

We finally did it -- we made a pair of 9-inch fullrange drivers that represent just about the limit of what we are currently capable of building: gold-plated all-Permendur field coil motor, gold-plated phosphor bronze frame and phase plugs, etc.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

They are still as "fresh" as can be and they have a lot of improvement ahead of them as they get played in, but there are just three words to describe what I am hearing: fantastic, Fantastic, FANTASTIC! Such clarity, such splendid tonal balance. The sound has so much energy that it seems to penetrate and permeate everything. I dare say this strikes me as a new milestone in audio. I don�ft think anyone has ever been before where we are now with this pair of drivers. Listening to them, it is as if every fiber of my being is bathed in pure music.

What an amazingly transparent vehicle for communicating everything in the music to the listener. You get more than the passion of the performers -- it's almost as if you can feel the warmth of the singer's body through these speakers.

They will be in our head office listening room, in the makeshift enclosures shown, until June 8. Then they will be hand carried by their builder to their new home overseas, where, I am told, a pair of very special enclosures are being readied for them.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

I want to write in more detail about their sound, but even more than that, I just want to go listen to them. And that is exactly what I shall do. So better pics and more details will just have to wait. Tonight it is just me and this very special one-off pair of D9e-III drivers, and my lady friends, shown below. Together we're going to go places nobody has ever gone before . . . ahh, life is good!
An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.

An externally hosted image should be here but it was not working when we last tested it.
SunRa said:

What's all this with gold plated, thing? I don't want to be disrespectfully but what are the special qualities of gold as a material that makes it so good to plate it all over?

We will have to take their word for it, but the principals connected with Feastrex are convinced that the choice of surface finish materials does affect the sound, at least on the motor and on the phase plug. In the past they have rejected some plating materials on the basis of how the plating affected the sound. In some cases the differences are more subtle and in other cases less so.

I think the use of gold on the frame this time was primarily at the request of the customer (it would also have been possible to paint a protective finish directly over the bronze) and there is no way to do comparative testing of the same motor on a different frame. I think the customer's choice of gold for the frame finish is related to his plans for finishing his enclosures. Gold probably would not be my first choice for a frame color but I'd like to reserve judgment until I see the drivers in their final home.

-- Chris
Well, some musings around amplifier power, sensitivity and metal finishes...

SPLs are a personal thing... like Chris pointed out. Your listening style and choice of music will dictate how much power you need in your environment which is enjoyable and satisfying.

Currently I'm 2-watt amplifiers to drive the D5nf speakers. In general, they are adequate and can easily reach beyond what I consider comfortable listening levels. I've not measured the D5nf sensitivity but it is much higher than the Fostex F120A driver which I do like. Still, my goal is a 300B design which will deliver a solid 10-watts RMS output. I think this will ultimately fulfill any desired SPL levels, even for orchestral works. Ultimately, a very good sub design will be required for low frequency extension.

As for metal finishes, they can affect many things. As a trumpet player, there is a distinct difference in a horn with different finishes, be it lacquer, silver or gold. Personally I prefer silver-plate. I would also note that a gold-plated trumpet is nothing more than a silver-plated one with gold plated over it. As any good metal finisher will tell you, you can only properly plate gold onto silver as it's the only metal hard enough to prevent the gold from leeching into the base metal. Gold is also very dense and many players feel it gives them a darker sound.

So, applying this to the Feastrex? Well, both ferrous and non-ferrous metals can affect a magnetic field... otherwise metal detectors would only be good for (detecting) ferrous metals. While I would doubt the speaker frame would have any benefit beyond visual, using different metal finishes in the magnetic could and arguably should affect it's operation which could be audible. Then it becomes more subjective from a listening viewpoint versus the technical merits of various finishes.

Still, I find the Feastrex drivers a breath of fresh air in audio, I've not heard anything which is so simple (aka, single driver) and so revealing in musical detail and texture, and you can easily hear nuances of the performance and the recording. I'm keeping mine!

Regards, KM
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