Dx Blame ST - Builder's thread - post pictures, reviews and comments here please.

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Don't know what to build?... so many options?.... have doubts?

Then do what hundreds of satisfied guys done!

Build a Dx Blame ST... a guaranteed source of enjoyment.

Build it etching your own boads, ordering from German group or try the brazilian group.




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i just got all my part ordered except the transformer. having a hard time sourcing a dual 110v primary and dual 25v secondary at the right VA rating. should be sorted shortly...

most of the stuff was available at mouser singapore. the only challenge is the 0R33 non inductive resistor. i had to settle for an inductive version for now since nothing was available locally and leadtime was atrocious.

anyone local knows of a good shop for chassis? sim lim towers maybe? otherwise ill pick up a chassi on my next trip to hong kong or taipei. looking for something pleasing on the eye....

build will commence in two weeks!

Has this changed?
Are there PCBs available to those living outside Brazil?

Hi Andrew,

I have no problems sending PCBs outside Brazil. I sent Evette a set of PCBs last month. What happens is that I don't have much PCBs left anymore. i could run another group buy for these boards, but I'm not really sure if shipping charges will still make price interesting. There's a german PCB set also, and I don't know if they have boards left.
I have no problems sending PCBs outside Brazil. ........... What happens is that I don't have much PCBs left anymore. i could run another group buy for these boards, but I'm not really sure if shipping charges will still make price interesting. ..........
I bought from the German source.
I tried to buy previously from a recommended source, but Destroyer told us in the Threads that we, who live outside Brazil, cannot purchase the Brazilian Forum PCBs.
Yes Andrew...but this is changing...you cannot order here in this forum

because the group buy is not here.

But you can enter the Brazilian forum, and, as a member, you can order boards there.

Another thing will happens soon.... Nabuco (Mitchel) may include my amplifier in his line of products, so... people may order from him.... using his home page adress.

But this forum cannot take responsability about..no complains here and no orders here.

The official board we have to order are the ones Rudi is or was offering....so...only Nabuco opening a group buy here you may order from here.

You know... forum management cannot take responsability about business people do by themselves searching for internet home pages.... so...this will happens between the one is ordering and the one is providing..not forum problem, not my problem too.

I have told brazilian forum folks they can accept orders from foreigners if they subscribe to the HT Forum, that is a Portuguese speaking forum..but...as have international WEB adress, is reachable by everyone using the internet... www.htforum.com

So.... i have changed my mind...no problems to order, from now on, into the Brazilian forum.

Search from Nabuco Eletrônica - Kits de Áudio Hi-Fi, or use Mitchel's personal email adress if you intend to have boards in the future.... some double faced boards are beeing prepared.... ask Mitchel's adress using PM.

But this must be very clear.... i have no responsability..also forum has no responsability..this is personnal contact you may make and order if you want... forum responsability is only when we have group buy HERE..in this same forum, in the group buy section...the group buy forum.

If post (mail) system lost your package or something alike..... it is between you and the one you have ordered boards.... well... sometimes this happens.... i have not received my red boards from Germany..also i have not received packages of parts from Canada...so...this happens from time to time....when i have received gods from Germany and from the same adress in Canadá before..and without problems.

Mitchel is free to provide boards from my amplifiers, the arrangements are between you and Mitchel....he can provide boards from the Dx Blame St and the new models that will be released in the end of this year... Dx Blame MKII and Dx Blame Supercharged, both ones to be released December, 24 th.

My advertisings here are directed, pointed, to the Dx Blame ST amplifier prepared here and offered here.... and i will stop advertisement to avoid confusion from now on.


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So, Carlos, ... you are the second one (beside EVETTE) complaining about not receiving my PCBs?!

I have done my best:

I remember, that I have even written "BRAZIL, South America" underneath "Brasilien" (that is how BRAZIL is spelled in Germany).

I can't help if letters disappear.

I have already lost a lot of money by refunding to EVETTE the amount of money he complained for not receiving his orders.

This is still another reason why I will no more offer a Group-Buy in the way I did.

Best (?) regards - Rudi_Ratlos
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I do not Blame you dear Rudi...i also think you was not responsable about

the package you have sent to Evette...i do think post system, from time to time fails...some packages are lost.

In Brazil we use some insurance..we pay 10 percent of the declared value to have money back guaranteed if the one we send god have declared that have not received..... when we do this way.... we have money back and we can send the gods once again using the insurance money....but i know other countries does not have this insurance.

No problems..i do know you are honest...i know you have sent the package..i have absolutelly no doubts about...i just have said this happens from time to time and i do not want to take responsability on that.

If people decide to order boards from the Brazilians.... their problem.... you know....it is between them....our forum..... this one we are.... is not responsable..it is a private negotiation between friends...they must trust one each other the same way i trust you and i am not complaining.... i am just making a comment to remember people this kind of things have some risks.

AndrewT, years ago, said to me have ordered boards from Nico...he have never received the boards he ordered..you see these things happens...and Nico has disappeared...i think he have passed away..so... dead man cannot explain what happened.... so... we see that these things happens from time to time..there are 3 percent of packages lost as i could see these last 6 years.

I know brazilian system, from time to time, block income packages..so..your package, i believe, was blocked by customs and will be sent to me in a matter or a couple of monthes... as happened many times in the past.


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A big trouble to post all them Sandbasser, because the boards are the same

32 of these guys have ordered parts..so...parts are the same too.

I will be in troubles to find angles to make pictures to look different... they are more than 100 guys.

ahahahahah!:)...they're all the same.... all boards looks the same.

This amplifier have not the silver mica ones....the guy is waiting for ECL to mail him the capacitors to populate boards.... these capacitors are produced here and exported to North Europe..then Switzeland makes the distribution to whole Europe.

The big green resistances are from Brazilian "Constanta" factory... almost all parts are made in Brasil....EPCOS are made here too...we produce here and we sell to Europe.






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Dear Mr. Carlos,,I just wanted you to know how much I miss your telling everyone how good the blame amp is. You should make it a point that everytime you go on line,,please tell us how great the amp really is.( everyone who has builded this already knows) Keep up the great work. Evette
DEar Mr Rudi, As I remembered correctly,, I never complained to you about recieveing the pcb,s I ordered. All I said was I didn,t recieve them,,,I also told you That I didn,t want the money returned..If You like I can send it back T^here is no reason for you to suffer this lost..I feel very bad that you felt you had to suffer lost packages to carlos lost packages to me, and carlos never recieved the 3 packages my son send to him..nor has he recieved the package to him..Don,t worry Mr.Rudi I can make this up to you and him..Evette
Customs Officer, here in Brazil, works together our post system

We have an officer inside working inside the system...they observe each letter, box or envelope using Ray X and manual inspection..... weight is something call their attention.

They use to open the packages under suspection..when they see too many parts they use to block, to calculate what this represents in value if applied tax and use to call use to be present there to pay the tax and receive the envelope.

They know the international prices of everything... usually when value is below 50 USD they do not mind...when they believe gods have more value than that they block... in the reality depends on them...they are free to judge and to block and unblock.

I use to ignore when they call me.... and this always results they send me the package monthes latter without any taxation.

They understand, or at least i think they understand this way.... when they face too many parts, that this may be a business..someone having parts to sell in units.... well.... these things depends on the Officer judgment.

As your packages had the information the value is less than USD50... you said what had inside (transistors as gift for a friend)...i imagine the package was lost in the place to be retained by customs.... this happens with less than 1 percent... sometimes they cannot read the destination adress or something alike... sometimes happens "back to the sender" too.

There's no problems to me dear Evette..you have already sent me two envelopes containing precious transistors.. powe routput units, drivers and small transistors..and i am still using them..

I am glad my country have changed a lot these last 50 years.... decense and honesty is our target, we have reduced corruption and increase our Police officer quality...our institutions are working fine...we gonna be a great country in a matter of more 30 years ahead i think.

Thank you very much by your kindness to provide us so many good parts.

Related boards Mitchel has sent you..he informed you have received...good that!.... these boards needs some sandpaper action into the corners...they were not sanded


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packages are lost. I had some stuff shipped to me via regular post when i was working in brasil. happened to me both in bahia as well as in recife, some lost and some arrived late. Its the nature of things - tudo bom.

international tracking is expensive but perhaps the only thing that gives some guarantees. adding a small surcharge to each shipment to help cover lost packages is also an possibility with any unused funds going to a shared goals such as diyaudio servers. Either way, i hope the community and the spirit of working and sharing isn't harmed for some lost shipments -that would be a sad day.
Yes.... tudo bom (It is all rigth) we accept some failures without too much stress

We feel sad when happens...thanks lord this does not happens too much often here...i could see other countries also have such kind of troubles ... we are not alone in this stuff....we are alone in our "more relaxed" way to see things... we can hold some frustration without too much stress... at least... some of us.

We use "tudo bem" also....it is more "it's all rigth"...never mind!

I am painting my main enclosure made using MDF and a lot of paint...this is the base paint..the waterproof surface (because MDF is terrible)...then i will paint dark Olive colour....a tribute to my ex wife that is a very special lady..her name is Olívia (Olive).

When paint is almost dried, i use to attack it with brush hits...paint brush hitting produces a crispy surface that reduces a little the ligth reflections and it is good to hide some non perfect details.

This enclosure was inspired in Albert Speer.... the thousand years Reich that rest for two decades (ahahahahahaha!:)... the vertical lines and the proportion of things (ratio) where copied (inspired) by the New Germania town... despite i do not appreciate Hitler and Nazi... i do appreciate Albert Speer creations and all technologic development started in the second world war (Jet planes and Rockets)

This enclosure will receive the Dx Blame MKII Supercharged... the unit is already in test.




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