Do you ever get your ears cleaned? (kinda gross)

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...ok this is kinda nasty so stop reading now if you dont want to hear about ear wax. Ok so tonite I was working underneath my car when I rolled over and then I heard this loud noise, im like what in the hell I thought something might have dropped in my ear. Then i shook my head around and there was definately something loose in my ear. So I got up, went to the bedroom and started headbanging on the pillow sideways. (gross part) I was expecting to see some dirt or somethin but low and behold it looked like ear wax. Nasty. Real nasty. It was a good size too, I was wondering how much sound it was absorbing while in my ear. sheesh. I wonder if theres anything in the other ear as well. Good lord, for us who love sound and music I would think build up in the ear would be quite a sound blocker.
Be very careful cleaning your ears with cotton-sticks.
I visit a doctor every 3 months to check my ear because of an ear problem I have. She once told me they should hang the guy who invented cotton sticks. She treats patients reguarly who have damaged their ears using these sticks.

(btw... she uses a kind of vacuumcleaner to clean my ear...This is not funny at all:smash: )
Makes a difference...

Cotton buds act as rams, pushing and compacting the ear-wax in the ears. Their use should be restricted only to drying the outer ear after a bath, i.e. absorbing water from the outer ear canal. One should never push the cotton buds deep inside the ear, or you will develop a serious ear condition.

Ear wax automatically moves outwards from the middle ear, and falls out once in a while, and therefore there is nothing abnormal about it.

Yes.. ear wax, particularly the one compacted by the use of cotton buds, makes a serious difference in auditory perception. I really feel that this is the most ignored part of audiophile business. No harm in visiting an ENT specialist once in an year, and getting the ears cleaned, just as you visit a dentist.
I believe it's called a pharmacy...well there's some other kinda liquid (hydrogen Peroxide??) that sorta makes your ear wax soften or somehting...thus making it easier to get at...I use some kinda "scoop" thingy to get it out...yes i n Singapore (long ago) you could get a ear cleaning when u visit the barber...he will have a special lamp set up which reachers ear level...making it easier for him to look inside...and clean the stuff out...
slowmotion said:

At the apotek

( don't know what you call that in english,
the shop where you get your medicines)

you can buy a small cleaning kit with some sort of
cleaning fluid a a small pump/bulb to clean out your ears.


In english there is a seldom used word : Apothecary, that is the cognate of your word. Pharmacy is the usual word for a shop that dispenses prescription medicines, but most american (at least in the upper midwest) pharmacies were in larger stores with a wider array of hygenic merchandise - often called the "drug store". In the past 15 years or so, the neighborhood drug stores are being closed down due to competition from larger chains like Walmart and Target.

I believe the Brits call a pharmacist (the person who works in a pharmacy) a chemist.
I've used the bulb pump for a number of years now with total success. You squirt a stream of warm water up in there and it loosens it all up and it does come out. The bulb is the same as an enema (now that's gross) bulb. Some oil usually comes with the kit that you're supposed to drip into your ear to soften it up a bit. I don't mess with it anymore, just go straight to the washing out. These kits can be found in the meds section at Kmart and other similiar stores too.
My doctor had told me that all I needed to do to keep my ears clean was to turn my head sideways in the shower and let the warm water spray into my ear. He also told me that q-tips (cotton swabs or whatever they're calling them these days) are the devil. One time I had a real bad ear infection that made me nearly completely lose my hearing in one ear. My doctor took this huge syringe about the size of the solenoid for a car starter and sprayed some fluids into my ear. It was quite unpleasant but when he was done I could hear better then I had ever heard in my life.
In 1968, I had one ear go out completely. I, then was driving an Austin Healey Sprite 55mi ea way to work with competition mufflers 1 ft long straight pipe. It was LOUD!
I went to the doctor and he found a COMPLETE wax plug in my ear. It was long, thick and nasty! Really. THEN, I had super ear and could hear above 20KHz for awhile.
AHEM...COUGH..(bull s**t)!!

Doctors tell you not to clean you ears for the same reason they do every thing else, to get your money. If you never clean your ears eventually you'll pay them to do it for you. As long as your carefull and don't push it all the way in (duh) cotton swabs can be very effective in removeing excess ear wax. I have been doing it every day for most of my life and have never had any ear or hearing problems whatsoever!!
Appropos "ear cleaning in Jaipur", in India, there are a number of cases of permanent deafness caused every year due to ear-cleaning by barbers. I guess same is the case with China, Malaysia or Singapore. NEVER DO IT. These fellows are absolutely ignorant of the minimum hygiene to be followed. Consequence may be anything, from ear-infection, to deafness, to HIV. Visit an ENT surgeon (if you want, you can do that in India, China, Malaysia, or Singapore ; surgeons are much cheaper there than your countries).

At home, cleaning with Hydrogen Peroxide of appropriate molarity is the best option. Be careful not to use the industrial grade Hydrogen Peroxide. The medical one is different.
Here is the part from a medical article...

"...What is ear wax?

Earwax, also called cerumen, is naturally produced by the outer part of the ear canal to keep the ear clean. It performs this task by trapping dust and sand particles before they reach the eardrum. Wax also coats the fragile skin of the ear canal and acts as a water repellent. Accumulated wax usually migrates to the ear opening, dries up, and falls out.

How should ears be properly cleaned?

Normally, ears canals are self-cleaning and should not need cleaning with any devices or cotton-tipped applicators. Cleaning the ear can cause problems by pushing the ear wax deeper into the ear canal and against the eardrum. However, sometimes wax can accumulate excessively, resulting in a blocked ear canal. In the case of a blocked ear canal, consult your physician. He/she may recommend one or more of the following:

1.) An irrigation of the ear canal to wash out the wax.
2.) A vacuuming of the ear canal to remove the wax.
3.) The use of a special instrument(s) to remove the wax.
4.) Prescription eardrops or mineral oil to soften the wax.

Always consult your physician for a diagnosis and for additional information...."

Incidentally I ran a search on Google on ear-wax. I found 8,000 references on how to clean ear-wax in pets (cats, dogs, ferrets etc.), and 1 about the same thing in humans. Isn't that strange?
I have found out that the medically prescribed concentration of Hydrogen Peroxide for ear-wax cleaning is 3%, and this is supposed to be harmless and mildly antibiotic. It will decompose into plain water and oxygen bubbles once put in the ear. The oxygen bubbles would have a "detergent effect" taking out the ear-wax with them (hence the ticklishness in the ear when you put H2O2). The water will have to be dried using cotton.

The ear-wax falling out of the ear may look like this (no wonder it effects your hearing).


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boys left to their own will discuss the least appealing topics

reminds me of a time, perhaps 15 years ago, when I was hauling a bunch of Boy Scouts back from a week of camp -- about 2 hours into the homeward bound journey they start to neglect the presence of an adult -- I found it most amusing to learn that the topics which intrigued them were the same ones my friends and I discussed in junior high school --

the more things change, the more they remain the same.
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