DIY linear tonearm

A hint to all building,

Try and make the tail of the wand longer so that you can use a smaller counterweight thus lowering horizontal mass while increasing vertical mass. I use a 6" wand it should be set so that for the specific cartridge the counterweight is almost at the end of the tail, this will mean different weights for different cartridges, I've offered as much useful information as possible here so it's up to you folks now :).


THX Collin ! time to figure ourselfs indeed :eek:
Many approaches throughout the thread , so much to figure in the near future .

THX again for all the usefull info so far , you are a rock :D

I think it's not so easy to measure a force this small .. however , I think in practice one could use a small PC fan to create a side force ( air flow ) just to figure between different approaches . I'n not into physics , but using some common sense should tell is what's going on .

I think :p


You can push the diamond with the very soft brush you use to clean it.
If the carriage moves you don't have the risk to damage the stylus.
Nothing was mentioned about friction.. spinning wheel was trying to reduce weight and the comment and comparison? :)


I am not sure that I understand your comment. reduction of mass is important with either type of bearing. an air bearing will have a distinct advantage in terms of friction over a mechanical bearing. perhaps I am not understanding if so I apologize. please explain if you would. thank you. best regards Moray James.
I finally started working on my version. Working on the headshell-tonearm for now.

I bought two carbon arrows from a local shop for 12 euros. They are about 50cm usable tube each, so much room for error and trial.

These ones are 7.5mm in diameter. A bit on the thick side, but still thinner than what would fit in my aluminum Jelco head-shell which I was planning to use.

So I decided to make my own head-shell. I wanted to make one out of maple but I had no scraps, so I instead made one out of mahogany. It s pretty nice and light, but I think I would have liked maple more. Meh... I made it in about 10minutes, so I guess it won t be a problem to try maple or wenge as well. Although they will be quite heavier.


The arm tube is 22cm for now and the entire thing weighs 5grams exactly. I guess the final arm will be shorter. Oh and I m sure I can afford to make the head-shell shorter too. I used the Jelco as a template, but I don t think I need the rail for the screws or its length for this application. I guess I could get rid of a couple of grams this way too.


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My thinner tube is heavier after all... Because of the thicker material. 1mm thick and 3.4gr the one and 0,35mm and 2,8gr for the other one. So I am keeping the 7.5mm tube since it is lighter but does not lose anything in stiffness.

I have also tried maple and wenge for the head-shell. Mahagony is way ligther from both of them. The 3 head-shells I made are not that different in size, but the weight is significantly different. Almost double.

Now I just have to create a template to be able to make them with more accuracy. I also like Colin's design. The shell is much smaller. Perhaps I m going to try that as well. I just would have liked more area to touch the cartridge.



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