"DIY 1.5KW Bipolar Class-H"

Better if you guys plan a group buy , this will reduce costs and enable others who find difficulty in making double sided PTH[plated through hole] boards, to enjoy the amplifier.;)

Copper thickness should be 35micron required minimum on both layers and plating in holes is needed as there are Vias in the PCB which connect both layer tracks at some point.

The amp is very easy and required parts are very easy to get.
BC546/556, MPSA42/92, MJE340/350, 2SC5200/SA1943, UF4007, 4N25 OPTO, LM393, NE5532 are some of the main items you need for this, apart from this are usual passive resistors and capacitors.

I will provide construction details after i will see a PCB from anyone of you.:cool: