Discrete op amp headphone amplifier module, based on Marantz

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Joined 2004
Paid Member
** This is just a design idea and simulation to play with, the circuit is not guaranteed to be either stable or safe **

That said, it seems to be running well on the virtual bench.

Comments appreciated.


  • marantz-amp-rjmaudio.png
    34.3 KB · Views: 336
  • marantz headphone amp.asc
    7.2 KB · Views: 63


Joined 2004
Paid Member

Transistor selection in LTSpice is lousy. I'd nominally be looking at BD135,136 or similar TO126 or TO220 types.


No kidding! Do we need 80 mW of low distortion class A power? Certainly not. But, we can get it from a thermal budget of 5~10 wpc idle draw, and this is not impractical to design for. Consider the output bias current to be highly "user variable".
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