dipole or not?

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David Gatti said:
In my opinion, if you listen to predominantly pop/rock - i.e music produced in a recording studio, then monopole is the way to go. After all thats what the sound engineers were listening to when they made the master tape.

The engineers listened to a combination of a (likely) box speaker and a highly treated room. Put that speaker in a livingroom and the response is totally different. A dipole on the other hand may sound relatively tight and clean in a more lively room.

Dipoles is very nice for rock and pop produced with boxed speakers. :)

ucla88 said:
It's important to note that the "rear wave" issue is often looked at incorrectly.

I guess to some extent the room and how much room you have behind the speaker dictates if one uses dipoles. If you have less than 2 feet behind the speaker you sould use monopole or find some whay to partially damp the rear wave.

David Gatti said:
In my opinion, if you listen to predominantly pop/rock - i.e music produced in a recording studio, then monopole is the way to go.

what if one listens to rock and jazz? :)
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