Compressor/limiter for TV sound

Anyone else on here using a compressor/limiter for TV sound?

We live in an apartment and enjoy action movies. We got fed up of turning up the volume to hear the dialogue then turning it down so we don’t disturb the neighbours during the action sequences. Figured a compressor could improve the situation

Got a Behringer MDX2600 for £40 on eBay and it works well. Probably not the last word in sound quality, only suitable for stereo (or 2.1 if before the crossover) and only has balanced inputs on XLRs, but made a massive difference to late night watching. TV headphone out -> small mixer -> MDX2600 -> power amp

Are better quality devices, or something more suitable available for sensible money?

For TV sound ... is it worth spending lots on it concidering the sound quality from a TV?
Sony used a compressor using a JugFet and simple detector in there tape recorders that worked well.


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For TV sound ... is it worth spending lots on it concidering the sound quality from a TV?
Hi Jon, I don’t want to spend lots, but can go higher if there was an advantage
That Sony circuit is interesting, thanks

I bought one in 1975 for $95 brand new. I thought that thew would come down in price
after 50 years used, I guess not.
Thanks RMJ1, the latest DBX compressor is only £140, so in budget

I have also looked at the ART PWM dual limiter. PWM should be lower distortion than a VCA, but £235

Just got to figure out if any of them are better than what I have now

Thanks Jon
I have found broadcast TV sound quality quite good on the main HD channels, but we use this for streaming, DVDs and Blu-ray too so it needs to be decent

That circuit is interesting, won’t do what I want as no stereo linking, but could be adapted - it’s weird without stereo linking as loud sounds on one channel cause the sound to shift to the other speaker

I don’t think it would be better sound quality than my Behringer, but not far off and would be an interesting project in a much smaller box. I might have a go when I get some free time
