Choosing Compression Drivers

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Swedish Chef said:

thanks for your thoughts! These drivers really look incredible on paper

The guy said they really sound sweet. I figure he's heard a lot of drivers.

Swedish Chef said:

BTW, those DDS horns really look great.

I've got a pair of the Eng 1-90 pro - which is the closest thing I can find dispersion wise to my Azurahorns. Tads have the old style throat and will beam - gotta run the pancake style drivers for this wide a dispersion in a round horn.

I've been holding off till preamp, and GM70 amp, are done. I'm listening to the pre and hopefully will be listening to the GM70 in a week or two. I didn't want to fool around with drivers until I knew I had the final electronics in place. I've got the dds horns and a pair of Radian 475 PB's sitting on a shelf.

Generally, to me compression drivers sound a little hard or brittle in the home environment - However, I am counting on the wide dispersion charactistics of the horns and the polyester diaphragm to take that edge off - along with the tube electronics.

If you get them, send me an e-mail and let me know how they sound. If they sound good to you and my setup eventually works out as planned, I may see if it would work out to have you help me pick up a pair of the CP385nd's


Ken L

Reply to Pbassred:

Well the most important thing first is budget!

If you on a low budget get the Eminence PSD2002 1.5khz-20khz,phenolic comp driver from for £45 inc vat for the driver then £22 for the flare

Or if u got plenty to spend get the B&C DE16 titanium comp driver 1.5khz-18khz, £76 from

Well the most helpful PA knowledge and advice will be from Rog Mogale ask him on the forum for any further advice about what flare to get for the comp driver and what x over point ,etc.

But remember with compression drivers the higher u cross them over--- the higher power they handle!


P.S :Bullet tweeters are super tweeters and are mostly crossover above at 5khz-6khz and the piezo rubbish is only ok if crossed over at 8-10khz!
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