Butler ? Tube Driven amp/s For free.

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You have a td2150. It looks like the one from ebay last week. Good luck getting it running, you will need the transistor clamps and 3m thermal tape before you can run it. Also, i would be worried about that cracked high voltage device at the end of the board. If it is stuck, it could fry the entire output section. I would send it to k&b for repair.
Thanks for the replies. I did some testing and both relays work. These relays switch the positive outputs for the right and left speakers. The relay remains open till the tubes warm up, then they close and connect to the speakers.

Turboegt, do you happen to have any pictures of the internals of your TD2150? I would like to compare. I have a feeling I am missing the rail that connects the output of some of the transistors. Do you have a picture of your setup in your car also?

On the bottom of the amp, there is the Savior MK 1 board attached. Does anyone know what that is for?
Apologies. I have not been active on this site in a few years.

I thank everyone for the assistance. To close this thread. I do not have any info on the amps. I sold the last 20 or so to some guy w/ the name ebay ampjunkie or close to that. I guess my story on how I came into possession of the amps will be all I can give.

The 100% true story of how my life became extremely full of CaR Audio items.

Back in I would guess 2001 +- a year. I was looking for some things that just can not be found at a store. I was driving around Dumpster Diving where I lived at the time in Chandler, Arizona. One day I turned behind some buildings to go dive at what was "Philips analytical". Nice stuff...... I stopped a dumpster short of it . Found nothing much. As I looked 1 last time I noticed a 1" magnet stuck to the inside of the dumpster.
After prying the extremely powerfully thing off. I made a mental note to come back to look for more magnets.

I returned some time later. And did find a few more Tweeter magnets encased in Stainless Steel. After a few more trips back for the magnets. I started to notice a few crossovers and 6.5" lower end Diamond audio speakers. Some were in the box, other just tossed in.

I had always been into car audio. But I had no idea how much more I would be into it.
See what was taking place was DAT (diamond audio) Was in the process of moving the main factory from Santa Monica to Chandler.

So I looked up DAT on the net, ebay and Here. And realized this was no KUNK king 2K watt amp for $69 company. Which made trips to the dumpster a daily/ nightly trip.

Now this dumpster was pretty much mine for 2 years. And hidden from stragglers that were still climbing out of the Orion Dumpster that had closed it doors a year earlier.
And after a while I started to feel like everything in that dumpster was mine.

The thing is. When DAT made the move. The first week every day they had a new 30' rollaway Dumpster in the back. And ever night it had something good in it. I never saw anyone else while I was there. Except when I was caught 1 time by one of the owners. He made me leave. And the second time I'll tell you in a bit.

Month 1.
I was pulling out Boxes (1000's) of Small Capacitors/resistors/ IC/ and all sorts of related items from the 30'.
It was pretty much me and me only. So at time I was overwhelmed with stuff.
That first month is when I came across 300-400 of the Butler/Orion Tube amps. They
were all tossed in the 30' can. Some were still in the plastic crates of 15 each. These amps were in open cases stacked back to back with some thin particle board between each.. Most were sill clean with minimal scratches. I did not know what exactly I had found. But I managed to scoop up at least 100 and no more the 125.

Some worked, all had no heat sink/case Some had the daughter board and some were incomplete. I was like production was just stopped. Then I just guessed when I looked at daughter board that had been soldered to the bottom of some of them. It had the name "
Savior" SIlked screen on the board. What would you assume. I assumed some one screwed up. And this board was going to save the project.

Also that month. I had to pass up among other thing. About 4000 1/2" x 4 rectangle magnets. They were uncharged and un marked as to what they were for. But the weight of them was hell.

So at this point I was just getting anything of value. And I did. Besides the tube amps.
I had about 30 DAT amps. I had to turn my closet into a amp boards hanging room.
I had too many. I had some esoteric amps that showed a clear connection to DAT.
The esoteric board was about 3-4' long 1600w and had "BIG BAD MOTHER" etched on the PCB.
ANd a few of the DAT 1600 watt boards were etched that way also.

I sold a ton of that sheit on ebay. Now hold on.... All the stuff I sold was good.
DAT has a return policy that. If a tweeters blows, the whole set of mids/x-overs and tweets get returned. And then they would toss the set still in the box, slightly used right in the can. Then the janitor would bring my goods out at night. He never saw me.

After the 30' dumpster and a few moths had passed. DAT was settled in. The component sets just kept coming. HEx series down to the Magnesium and ending with the m3's. I had 125 sets of HEX Crossovers. I had the bi-amp sets or I believe the s-03
down to the plastic one. I had to and started leaving the cheaper ones in the DAT dumpster.

I knew DAT's crossovers, tweets, speakers and woofers. As good as any tech that worked there. I fixed 100's of crossovers.
I often sold a set of HEX series Xover at auction on ebay for $80. And for over $100 a couple times. Tweets would sell from $30 -80 a set. I was selling a good amount at that time.

One night I cruise over to DAT and there's a 30 dumpster in the back. To make it short.
I ended up leaving with an army duffle bag 1/2 full of tweeters. The bag weighed about 120 lbs.... About 45% of them worked as I found them. I still have about 25lbs to this day.

Then a few years of that and I was no longer into it. I would catch glimpses of a large black truck near my dumpster. Then one night We came face to face.
I really was sort of glad and ready to hand down the dumpster. I had pretty much stopped going. That night I had rode my bicycle. It was the only way to be stealth.
So one had been breaking into businesses and driving was too obvious.
Any way the funniest thin about that night. The gut gave me a ride home. And I had got out of him he sold on ebay. But he would not Give me a hint of his sellers name.
I **** you not. As I got out I looked At him and said his ebay sellers name. RobotUnDERgroung And I'll post it now that's what you get for not telling me.

Any ways Thank you DAT...... Oh and I found the next two DAT buildings they moved to on accident. Even found 4 new amps.

Thank you again DAT. JDS <- that the damn name silk ed screened on ever PCB DAT MAKEs JDS Jay d, Schawalla???? I think.

I'm done with that stuff now. I estimate I made $40,000 -$50,000 that first year from DATS DUmpster......

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