BPPBP - Bruno Putzey's Purist Balanced Preamp (well a balanced volume control really)

MAS6116 is a direct equivalent to the WM8816, it's still current and in UK is available from Profusion. It works great when incorporated into Bruno's balanced amplifier circuit.

I've currently got this running as my pre-amp controlled by an Arduino Nano with rotary encoder and IR remote.

The MUSES are 20k Potis. MAS6116 looks very interesting. Do you know what the overall-resistance is?

Edit: Sorry, I found it: 10k! Fine!
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It is possible in principle, but you'd need a digital pot (i) with linear (not log) code/resistance law and (ii) that can handle +/-12V analog signals. AD5171 is linear law, but it runs from Vdd=+5V and can only handle positive voltage between 0 and Vdd, so no luck with that particular digital pot.

I took a different path and integrated three different digitally controlled volume controls into the circuit.
Thanks for the hint Alex! On the point I had overlooked at the first glance at the data...
Yes ... (or something like a fitting DigiPot). For the stepped attenuator the values can be taken equal or similar to the potentiometer. The potentiometer was not excluded. We may have misunderstood each other there. Sorry. I'm just getting familiar with the details ...

But may be - if gain is really needed - it is better to do it the way you described (2 OPAs) and reduce the pot to a lower value than 10k.
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Using the MAS6116 in the circuit and the balanced input stage with unity gain provides an overall max gain of +15.5dB. This is adjustable in 0.5dB steps from -115.5dB and can also be muted. I haven't looked at the Muses circuit but believe it is similar to this.

I know Alex has done a PCB for both of these (through-hole excepting the digital pot chips). I've done my MAS6116 PCB as surface mount (excepting electrolytics)
For what is this part (-> attachment) of Bruno's schematic? I mean the Rs and Cs.


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BPPBP(BP Preamp LA vol.5) & Audio Relay Attenuator Zoja

Here is one BPPBP integrated with the Zoja audio relay attenuator that is the fruit of our local forum.ARA Zoja has a remote control, is based on a bluepill plate and is adapted for BPPBP. Attenuation is done with 6 relays (-63db) and the seventh relay is for the MUTE function. It also has an output for a POWER relay as well as a channel selector (CH1/CH2). With the help of an adapter plate that is soldered instead of a potentiometer to the BPPBP connection is made with two balanced microphone cables of 3mm.


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Here is how it looks.
I took NE5532. i have a lot of them because i wanted to build Selfs Grid Amp but i never did.
Inverted they are realy good because they have excellent transfer linearity ( Groner ).
I also may try biasing into Class A from the positive side ( Self in his book about electronic crossovers ).
The red jumpers are obsolete. i added them because i di not understand why they are in the schematic.
Yes Jan, i should read more careful but i do not read only this but a lot more.
Actually i read all the time, even on the to.....
I have bal and unbal in and out and also an input switch for 1 bal source and one unbal source.
That is good in my system. My CD player is unbal and my phono bal.
I mostly use a tube poweramp that has unbal input.
You need to listen with your ears - 5532 are the worst music killers in the world, and should be forbidden by law.
If you can´t hear that, it doesn´t matter what HiFi you build.

It is a 45 years old construction, and they were ok when they came out. There is a reason Bruno used much better op-amps.
5532 are the worst music killers in the world, and should be forbidden by law.
It would be interesting to see some evidence supporting such a broad claim.
First, as others pointed out, most recorded music you are listening to has already been "killed" by hundreds of 5532s employed in mixing consoles and other studio equipment.
Second, in my experience, the 5532s perform well in BPPBP, although not as well as 4562s or some more modern opamps - I did post some measurements. It is not so much the opamp as it is the way you use it, and BPPBP is not particularly demanding (except in the volume control stage at high volume levels).
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How would you be able to see how equipment sounds??

It might measure just ok, but it surely sounds terrible, and if you can´t hear that, don´t bother to build a reference design.
I am sure if you feed it with a 100 Hz and later a 10 KHz square wave, you will see some choking results with overshoot
and what have we. Pro op-amps will do fine with either, and some of my preamps do well at 5 Hz.

I am a musician through many years, and have attended a lot of live concerts and I build and maintain studio equipment.
We don´t use 5532, we use Jensen 900+ Pro discrete and now also Sparkos 2590 Pro discrete op-amps. That is a whole
other kind of musical stuff, and that is what is used in High-End studios. You might see a compressor or other device that
is designed to color the sound heavily, that have mediocre components in them, but that is by purpose.
You seem to belong to the group of people who enjoy going around and tell everyone how bad some commonly used component is. I don't know what you get out of that, but judging by your lack of supporting evidence you might want to stick to throwing expensive discrete OpAmps at every piece of gear you can find.
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