Bob Cordell's Power amplifier book

Not to tease you guys too much, but when I arrived home last night there it was in the mail - my first physical copy of the book! My wife Angela was duly impressed, even though she'd be the first to admit she doesn't understand a word of it.

We celebrated with a bottle of champaigne. Do I sound excited? You bet!

I hope it will make its way to Amazon and B&N soon.

I'll look forward to getting feedback from you guys, both good and bad and errors. MGH gave me "tear sheets" to allow me to bring minor errors to their attention to fix in the second printing (I don't know when that will be, and I don't know how big the first printing was).


Congrats Bob!
Do you mind if I ask how long it took to complete it just out of curiousity?
Congrats Bob!
Do you mind if I ask how long it took to complete it just out of curiousity?

Hi Pete,

First of all, thanks to all of you guys for the kind words and encouragement.

I've been working on the book for four years, but the intensity was of course not constant. I began by writing what I called "vignettes" in Word, where if something struck me I would just write it down free-form. Some of these were only a paragraph, many were a page, and some grew to 10 pages or more with time.

Almost exactly two years ago I signed the contract with McGraw-Hill. Well before that I had completed a book proposal and the first three chapters, including a detailed Table of Contents for the whole book. The effort was intense and at times stressful, but it was a labor of love.

Thanks again, guys. I truly hope you enjoy the read.

I've waited 23 years for this book. I can wait a few more weeks.

I think it was a book published by Siliconix called Mospower Application Handbook that I picked up from the local library that had Bob's mosfet amplifier article included as an application note. There wasn't a lot of books on power amplifiers available at that time and I remember wishing Bob would Publish a book on amplifier design and here it is.

I've waited 23 years for this book. I can wait a few more weeks.

I think it was a book published by Siliconix called Mospower Application Handbook that I picked up from the local library that had Bob's mosfet amplifier article included as an application note. There wasn't a lot of books on power amplifiers available at that time and I remember wishing Bob would Publish a book on amplifier design and here it is.


Hi David,

Wow! You remember that Siliconix book? GOOD memory.

23 years? Time's up; now you've got to read it :). I'm flattered.
