Big forum upgrade ahead - what you need to know!

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I have actually enjoyed the more primitive forum here, I feel more relaxed with the simple boxes without all that smooth shading and stuff that only makes it look cool.

I vote for multiple "themes" (that the user selects), like on other forums, with a "Vintage DIYAudio" theme.

- keantoken
As others have mentioned, the stability of this forum is legendary. The VERY few times i have found it was down in the past, it never took long to find it back on again.
Please make the transition smooth, as i must be honest and admit, that i have become addicted. There, now i said it :D

Oh yes, thanks to all, webmaster, moderators, and members for this great site. (hope i haven't forgot anyone)

With greatest respect.
Switches things on and off again
Joined 2000
Paid Member
Thanks for all the positive feedback.

Will search access to the current forum archives be available on the new forum?


What will happen to the WIKI?

I put quite some stuff in there. Will you take care of it? Or should I better do a backup by myself?

There will be a new and improved wiki. All data from the old one will be migrated, probably by a team of slaves (including myself), to the new wiki, much as the pyramids were built.

Can i confirm all wiki & forum data will be kept?


Time to actually listen to music and do DIY work , instead of typing.

That's a great idea. We should make it an official DIY holiday and time of appreciation of one's own work :)
Hope all goes well and you don't suffer the same fate as that of the ESP forums. Their upgrade corrupted the database and wrecked most of the threads, it's never recovered :(

I'm sure you have some competent system administrators but just a few words of advice from someone who has been working with linux systems for over 10 years:

1. Make sure everything is backed up to the hilt and then backup again to another location.
2. With the database file make sure you do the backup with all the records closed. Don't just backup the file whilst its live, better still do a dump of the database.
3. Try and run the new system in parallel on a entirely different server and when your happy with the new system migrate to it.
4. Run the new system in a "Alpha" phase with a select group for a month to iron out the bugs before you go live (migrate to it).

Good luck.

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