baby Karlson couplers

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great foam board build ! the original Karlson K15 with good coaxial excels in many departments including vocals, harpsichord (which sounds gawdawful on a Klipschorn), percussion, sax, whatever. As a punchy horn-killer toy, I'd like a new "K10" which can play 120dB peaks - gotta make a port panel which got lost for a previous 10" coupler build by John Lapaire.

Distributed horizontal slot vents seem a good way to go. The so called "Dutch K12" has huge vents which look like would tune too high but I think the front aperture sets fb in a good range.

the quest for a great baby K which can mate to a sub should go on
a K-tube over a dome, grafted to a piezo element, could serve as your tweeter and you could extend it far enough to reach into the main klam aperture


you can see a long extended pipe with 5.5" K-tube on its end jammed into a coax HF horn mouth "here"
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