B1 with Korg Triode

I just ordered some preamp boards for testing.

They should be here in a week.
Hi Nelson, thanks for making this available. I do have a question around the design and PCB.

If this isn't going to be a FirstWatt product (didn't think it was) why can't we just have access to the beautiful PCB design you used to evaluate it? Can understand the copyright issues if its going to be a production unit. Will we get a design that sounds as good as your FirstWatt offering?

Also if it's going to go into production then how do you keep everyone happy? Number one you need to look after the great FirstWatt name but you also look after us diy'ers beautifully. No one could ever say you "detune" your diy offerings to protect FirstWatt.

Once again on behalf of us all, thanks for sharing your work. I don't know how you find the time to meet all your project deadlines, I suppose you just love you job which always helps!

Cheers (in anticipation) Dave
On there page there are no tubes available!!!! I guess we could make a GB for 60pcs?

You can buy immediatly 11 pcs. in stock or 50 pcs. if You wait only five days.
We visibly don't see the same reality :checked:


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... if I log into RS from my mobile phone I get no stock available, if I log in from my static PC I see 21 pieces available?

What has become clear to me over the past few years is that phones and tablets are just not the same as actual computers for web browsing. I am not sure if this difference is because of the browser software on the user end or if it is the web server side of the host site (or a combination), but they are clearly not treated the same in all cases. When in doubt, use a real computer.