adding capacitor

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can some help me.. i want to add an internal capacitor and change 1 in my amp.. ive seen internal pictures of the amplifer that is the higher serires ( ihave the street machine and high series is the stealth).. there not a big differnece between then.... the board is long but because of the location of the preamp and there is an extra capacitor..also there is a bigger 1 in the stealth series... the stealth puts out 1500 watts at 1 ohm and mine puts out changing and adding the capacitos will this increase the power off my amp?..

i can get internal pics of the amps if needed.
in a word NO

but if done correctly you could allow the output of the amp to
1. prevent hum.
2. when loud sounds e.g. a snare drum the amp will be able to get the power from the caps and therefore allow this to be reproduced without clipping.

changing the components of an amplifier will change the way it sound and it may be in a negative way.

the max power for the amp is dependant on the voltage of the transformer. e.g. a amp with 40v input transformer will only be able to produce 200w with 1 8ohm speaker.

40/8 = 5
5 x 40 = 200
provided the tran has the correct va power.

if your input transformer has a va rating lower that the rated power output then capacitors may be benificial.
so dont even bother? can i test voltage of the transformer? the amp is ratted 1200w at 13.5v so i would have to be powered on with the 13.5 volts to test it right?
i will post internal pic of the amp soon


  • autotekstealthg.jpg
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do you have the va rating for the transformer.
this will be on the transformer or the next best thing would be the power consumption rating in watts. this will give an idea whether a big cap is nessisary or not.
oh and you say it is rated at 1200w through 1ohm. this means that for every volt there is an amp (ohms law) therefore the voltage should be about 34.6v (35v) and the current will be 34.6(35a) and the va rating of the amp is unlikly to be 1200va so therefore caps should be benificial.

are the speakers you are using 1ohm?

what is the capacitance of the caps on your amp?
the big one as this is the filter cap for the power supply.

basicaly if you are running 1ohm speakers which i have to say is a bit of a stupid thing to do. the amp will be improved by increasing the size of the filter cap but if you are only runing say 4 ohm speakers the caps will make no difference what so ever due to the fact that they will supply enough current for 1ohm so 4 times less that current will be no problem for it.
i have 2 subs... they are dual 1.4 homs but i tested them and each coil is 1.9ohms.. i only plane on useing 1 of thm wired Parallel so .9 ohms.. i let my brother use my amp so when he get home i will look at the transformer and the cap ... the only other problem is i dont know the rating of the big cap in the stealth..but ill look around to see if i can find someone that can help me with that.
oh you say you are using 0.9ohm speakers. this will make the power of the amp wrong as the current will exced by 10% what it is suposted to.
this could
1. dammage the amp if used too loudly current will exceed the ampount the components can take.
2. cause the filter cap - the big one - to drain and cause clipping.

larger caps will allow more time for the caps to charge and more power for them to use so it is probaly worth it if you are using very low impedance speakers.

but anyway i would like to point out that the difference in loudness between a 1200w amp and a 1500w amp is about 1db-2db
as increasing the power by 2 will only increase sound by 3 db. this is not much.
to increase sound by 2 you would have to get a 12000w amp (power x 10). sounds crazy but its true
bob123 said:
do you have any ratings in watts or volts. other than the output power.
umm like what? heres the spec from the manual

audio power output at 14.4v dc
-4 ohms THD 0.5% 400wx1CH
2 ohms THD 0.5% 700wx1CH
1 ohm THD 1% 1200wx1ch
input sensitivity .2vrms 6.0v
Damping factor 300 into 4ohms
Power Supply Consumtion 58a
Fuse rating 60a
just out of interest why do you feel the need to increase the power of the amp. when i tell you if it is actualy 1200w then that is enough for anything

i have a 5 x 150wpc surroud sound reciver and a gale sub 10 with a 65 watt amp. this will give more power that i will ever need - played in fields it make the ground shake. i has never been past 1/2 volume so i dont see why you need all this power.

oh sorry i forgot for a second then car watts are far smaller that normal watts for no reason what so ever. a 1500w normal system will be far louder that a 1500w car system.

sorry i only just realised it was a car amp when you showed me the voltage figure. it all makes sence now.

incresing the size of the capacitor should increase the power. but it depends on the dc-dc converter
Why do you want a higher power, which is not that much? Have you listened
to the stealth version, does it sound better? Because with the same circuit,
lower power tends to sound better.

Have you checked both boards, are they similar circuit with different
power supply? Because I don't think so. May be the circuit is a bit

You can increase the power a bit by increasing the power voltage a bit.
Not too much that will risk the components. The capacitor rating may give
a hint.

A car amp relies on the power supply. If you use this amp at home, do you
use battery? Because it is difficult to find transformer of low voltage
with sufficient current for car amps.

Wait a minute, did you say something about class D? I don't know exactly
what it is :D Switching car amp???

What is exactly the problem with this amp powering your sub? I believe
that what you need is more current to give the 1300, not to increase it to
1500. Make sure the transformer can deliver high current! (where do you
get this kind of transformer from?). And the power supply caps are very
important for supplying this current. If you are sure that the cap is for
power supply (the small one seems to be parallel with the other), and you
have the cap lying around, then put it in. Usually I have problem with the
room for the caps, not to much room but no caps ;)
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