A guide to building the Pass F4 amplifier

Busy Afternoon (take 2)

Crippled F4 pcb's

+- 32V PSU with 108000uf capacitance per rail.

Very Big/Low WAF F4 case! Already got my ears pulled because of this behemoth!!

Nice rubber feet for case!

Is there a difference between Nippon Chemicon and United Chemicon? My assumption is United are made in any number of countries and not specifically Japan as Nippon would suggest.

-The quote in you signature is hilarious without context and was probably quite funny with context.

As far as part numbers for the terminal blocks go, I don't have one but in the past bought one at Radio Shack, but not on the shelf a year later. I picked up a matching pair at Fry's electronics last week. I have more than 12 hours of drive time with 100% failure of them to have the item I went there for in stock over the last year (Fry's).
Neither seem to be metric regarding the distance between mounting holes for the chassis.
Is there a difference between Nippon Chemicon and United Chemicon? My assumption is United are made in any number of countries and not specifically Japan as Nippon would suggest.

Most likely no difference at all.
My feeling is (could be wrong) United Chemicon is manufactured in the USA, and Nippon Chemicon is manufactured from the parent company's factory in Japan/Asia.