150W MOSFET Amplifier with IRFP250x2


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Hey all. Im having some issues with my build, and hoping you guys could offer some advice. First used the dim bulb tsetser and all was good, bulb dimmed a sec after switching on. Then proceeded to bias the amps, but could not bias it. Got between 0 and 1mv turning pot either way trying to bias it. Also getting 18vdc on the output. I would appreciate any advice on this problem please. Thank you
I am looking at the bias control portion, at 1st post of this thread.
The maximin output current is controlled by BF871, and the current is limited to 1 Vbe / 0.22 Ohm, which is less than 4A. I don't think you can get "+/-50V DC give 150W on 4R load". Maybe I missed something.