Funniest snake oil theories

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It affects IRON. Not copper, not silver...
Not all iron either, mostly hypereutectoid and martensitic stainless steel. However both copper and silver do need annealing heat treatment and/or thermal cycling after cold worked such as drawing to restore conductivity, sometimes referred as dead soft anneal. I have not found anything cryo for both, but I don't think hardening reflects a desired property for conductors.
I am lucky. My wife encourages regular eye training. :p

Hi Marce,

Good to see your remaining parts are still holding together. And I don't want to know where FAS42 is posting now :)

Hi Bill,
I'm a hollow man these days:D almost a living mummy. Yes, he's still the same as are the endless arguments.
I spend more time playing my bass along to music on a night and during the day use Alexa, the only woman that follows my orders and doesn't argue, as I can change the tune with a command.
Spent the last few years doing lots of very sensitive analogue and microwave based layout between operations and getting married (after 20++++ years), us two and two witnesses due to covid!
Now I have a wife in the kitchen, but I think she needs some training...
How the Girls.

Now isn't that website, with all its fancy esoteric "products" a bunch of pure BS?
And the added in "reviews" are a typical nice touch as well.

It's bad enough the globe has gone absolutely bonkers with fake news, contrived, twisted stories but people are pushed further into delusional thinking with crap like this.

Sad state of affairs for sure.









The Volksempfänger (German: [ˈfɔlks.ɛmˌpfɛŋɐ], "people's receiver") was a range of radio receivers

developed by engineer Otto Griessing at the request of the Joseph Goebbels, the Reich Minister of Propaganda of the Nazi regime.

The purpose of the Volksempfänger-program was to make radio reception technology affordable to the general public.

Goebbels realized the great propaganda potential of this relatively new medium and thus considered widespread availability of receivers highly important.

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Here is my hot take on things, buy an integrated amp or pre-amp with tone controls if you want to change how your system sounds. Trying to change the way your system sounds by swapping cables is expensive and unpredictable.

That's the way things were done for ages, and always provided the needed customization, yep.
But today?....... minds have been forcibly adopted to accept the lackluster products, with their endless (and profitable) extras and upgrades.

It's a matter of controlling the masses, at the benefit of not you, but the corporations.
Oh don't get me wrong - I love mine! (see avatar) Just that the potential for mass destruction is greatly enhanced compared to that old-school stuff.

I think the most unexpected outcome of learning to use DSP is how little time I spend dicking around with my audio system these days. I just put on some music and dig it; no more jumping off the couch to mess with something! It all just sounds wonderful.
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Oh don't get me wrong - I love mine! (see avatar) Just that the potential for mass destruction is greatly enhanced compared to that old-school stuff.

I think the most unexpected outcome of learning to use DSP is how little time I spend dicking around with my audio system these days. I just put on some music and dig it; no more jumping off the couch to mess with something! It all just sounds wonderful.

Like you Jim, I like things nice, simple, and easy.
But you can have that DSP stuff, thanks, I'll stick to "old school" analog sound configuring.
We as humans, hear in analog, when we speak, it's in analog, all thanks to the air we breathe. - it's natural.

The small, unobtrusive (to most people) irregularities in sound that our imperfect ears can hear is, in my opinion, easily adapted to, and easily tailored, using conventional tone controls.
In my case, it's with a multi-band equalizer, used sparingly, with reasonably decent equipment.
I've no yearning for that "high-end" stuff, that's for others to indulge in, whatever their reasons or justification.

And yes, I can relax on the sofa too and be "in control" of things.
The Technics remote is within arm's length.
If the phone rings, I can turn down/mute the music.
Or, lift the tonearm from 20 feet away.
Or pause a CD or tape.
The only "non remote-able" source in my system is that Akai reel-to-reel.
No biggie.

The sound to me, and others who've stopped by, is quite respectable, if not surprising.
I can dig the nuances, and enjoy the performances enough to raise the hair on my neck and tickle my ears.

I chose components for their performance, reliability, and convenience.
Not so much for "looks" as some (extremely superficial) people insist on.
Besides, the system is behind a dark, smoked glass door, only the lighted displays show through. I prefer that look, I like to keep my living room looking like a living toom, not some recording studio, because that would clash with the traditional/modern furnishings.

Of course, people have individual tastes, and the "wife factor" to contend with.
I can understand that.
Some people like liver, or broccoli, I do, some don't -it's "the way of the world".

Once you add digital to the analog source (CD's, streaming, DSP, etc.) I don't care how it's touted, it's still messing with the original analog sound.
And ultimately, it still has to be turned back into analog to get to your ears by the speakers.
The arguments to this are many, naturally.
Me, I keep things as simple as possible, determined to preserve as much "purity" of the sound as possible.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
Hi Bill,
getting married (after 20++++ years), us two and two witnesses due to covid!
Now I have a wife in the kitchen, but I think she needs some training...
How the Girls.
Congratulations, and about time!

Girls are good. #3 of brood one is now 21 so I have 3 fully adult children and feel old. Got to see them for full 5 minutes over xmas as they had bubbled with their mother, but that's about all of their old dad they can handle :)
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