The food thread

Do many people in North Αmerica search out free range/organic meat? We go to a farm that keeps pigs outdoors all year. The pork is very good and we feel happier knowing the pigs have been able to carry out some natural behaviour like rooting. The chickens they stock are from a nearby farm and are free range. Again very tasty meat.

Yes, it is quite popular and becoming more so. I think a lot of people are disgusted by commercial "meat production" practices, by which I mean the treatment of the live animals. I also think that you are right, that animals which are able to move around are happier and healthier and taste better as a result.

Even the large grocery chains are stocking certain brands of meat and pultry which are supposed to be "free range", and the farmer's markets have many suppliers of meat from their own farms. Unfortunately a lot of that is only available frozen.
Yes, it is quite popular and becoming more so.

These are ours. My daughter's boyfriend works for Walden Local Meat and we were a member drop off point for Brookfield Farm for almost 20yr. A funny story, during the tech boom I gifted them 1000 shares of my stock options ($5) and they didn't know what to do so they simply deposited them in an account (most charities sell donations immediately). By the time they needed the money for a new barn it was >$50,000.

Brookfield Farm

Butcher Shop - Walden Local Meat Co.
free-range kielbasa for New Year's celebrations.

i have a friend who raises chickens "free - range" -- near Harrisburg PA, can also get "free range" eggs from a gal who lives on a farm adjacent to "The Great Swamp" -- on my 20 mile biking path -- it's a goodwill/honor system where you just put the money in a jar and take the appropriate number of eggs.
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Joined 2011
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It wouldn't be New Years Eve without Caviar & Blini.

We make them ourselves using the NYC Russian Tea Room's recipe via Gourmet magazine. LINK

The magazine gets 36 silver dollar sized blini from a batch of batter, whereas we prefer them a little bigger, maybe "apple size," so we only get 24 blini. But that's plenty enough for two people, along with 2 ounces of caviar, a tub of crème fraîche, a finely minced onion, and a couple bottles of Pol Roger champagne N.V. We used to make toast points as well, but discovered we liked the blini ten times more, so phhpbptbtpb!, toast points are history. This year I bought Osetra only; no split-lot experimentation.



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Weisswurst here! HNY to those further east. :)

(2018, in so many ways, can rot as far as I'm concerned. Which meant there was a lot of growing)

Wifey and I went to Sunday Mass in Bavaria about 10 years ago -- the parish served weisswurst and beer after the 11:00 a.m. service. As I recall, the casing of the weisswurst is removed before eating.

In any event, it was a late Spring morning and turned out to be a glorious Sunday!

I have some bottles of something bubbly to put the girls in the mood. Canadian made, sweetness scale 3. Still drinkable... I guess. Who cares, it's ny eve. Still another 7 hours for us. Cheers all.

Wife and my sister in law making "locomotive noises" as we wait for the ball to drop.

(On one trip to FR we were being driven from Orly at 6:00 a.m. and I said to the cabby "Elle, ma femme, sonne comme une locomotive" in my poor French. The guy almost had to pull the car over he was laughing so hard.)
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I have some bottles of something bubbly to put the girls in the mood. Canadian made, sweetness scale 3. Still drinkable... I guess. Who cares, it's ny eve. Still another 7 hours for us. Cheers all.

Three years ago my wife and I were in Paris for NYE. I will always remember seeing a manhole cover near Place de la Concorde with an empty bottle of champagne and a bunch of cigarette butts. Who cares!!