Funniest snake oil theories

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German beer is amazing. The good stuff cannot be exported because the low alcohol content limits storage life to less than a month.

'Small Beer' maybe.
Though not much of a drinker these days, my mother had an under stair cupboard clear-out and found 2 bottles of Beacon Hotels Sedgley Surprise that were 17yrs old (special October Fest 'brew') and they drank fine.... but left me totally splattered snoring on the sofa.
Intake of colloidal gold is very useful, mandatory if gold jewelry is never worn.


Good luck with Pubmed vs. wives tales. Anything with gold usually has the word "standard" after it. Most studies I've found are looking at toxicity levels, for good reason. Don't know the efficacy of transdermal applications, but it does pass through the intestine.

We look pretty heavily at colloidal gold for Dx and Rx applications (contrast agents, functionalizing surfaces for delivery to name a couple). Might have some weak benefit for rheumatoid arthritis. As usual, not exactly something I'd be recommending unless clearly indicated.
A list should be compiled of “other things you can buy for the cost of a Bybee which has real quantifiable value.” Maybe that would put things in better perspective?

I’m eyeing round trip tickets to Cuba at the moment which are going for less.

Also, bonus being it is on a real plane that flies in the air and Cuba is a real place.

Internal Speaker Bullet Kit - $860

ATS acoustic Panels :

ATS Acoustic Panel - 24 x 48 x 4

$65 ea, you can get over a dozen panels which would certainly be useful for attenuating reflections in bright rooms.
Regarding room acoustics, for critical listening I normally use so-called near-field monitors about 18" away at low-ish volumes. Room acoustics have minimal effect in that case.

In addition, I have measured FR at the listening position and find it to be adequately flat.

But overall, I agree with DPH that we like most people tend to ignore the effects of rooms, or at least do nothing to improve them especially at LF where modes may be very significant.
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Actively nannying a forum or trying to manipulate it to a form that you find likeable versus letting it be? C'mon Mark, how many times have you tried to shame me into a position when we disagree or actively temper people's language according to your views. It's not blindly done.

To be completely honest, I think you have some problems and very hardened defenses against seeing them. Makes it hard to talk to you because nothing doesn't get misinterpreted, IMHO. Maybe best just to ignore you and be done with it. I didn't say that to insult you, only to let you know why I rarely talk to you. As usual, I don't expect you to not to misinterpret that, but what can I do?

On the issue of tempering language, the rules are quite clear:


Disruptive behavior of any sort, including offensive language, trolling, threadjacking, insults, intimidation, harassment or other disrespectful or antisocial behavior. (Notes 1 & 3)

Seems to me that calling the words of another member BS is insulting. It is a disrespectful abbreviation for a four-letter-word that is banned when not abbreviated. Further, I think it is intended to be insulting, and intended to skirt the rules.

Finally, when things start to get out of hand I think a friendly word is kinder than calling the authorities on someone. In the ideal, I would hope we ought to be able to behave by ourselves without needing police to maintain order. Doesn't always work though.
Joined 2014
Paid Member
To be completely honest, I think you have some problems and very hardened defenses against seeing them. Makes it hard to talk to you because nothing doesn't get misinterpreted, IMHO. Maybe best just to ignore you and be done with it. I didn't say that to insult you, only to let you know why I rarely talk to you. As usual, I don't expect you to not to misinterpret that, but what can I do?

And there you go being hall monitor again.

Seems to me that calling the words of another member BS is insulting. It is a disrespectful abbreviation for a four-letter-word that is banned when not abbreviated. Further, I think it is intended to be insulting, and intended to skirt the rules.

If someone claims to have created a magic goop, for the good of all that magically breaks many laws of physics then it IS BS and should be called out as such, especially on a thread for laughing at the rubbish foisted on the gullible.
Seems to me that calling the words of another member BS is insulting.

People are insulted ideas are not. Equivocation has a place but as Bill says at some point this has all become tiresome, maybe so and so put a and b together and accidentally figured out how to take energy out of the zero point, or maybe charge can be destroyed and created instantaneously somewhere else. Put up or shut up.
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