Whats the LAST movie you have watched?

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Joined 2017
This picture sums up JJ Abrams's films in that they are crashing and burning, he has bastardized every project he has ever touched, there goes the Star Wars franchise, There Goes the Star Trek franchise, There goes the Mission Impossible franchise. If I wanted to see a bunch of 20-something actors running around acting emo I would watch South Park, Or Family Guy, or (God forbid) American Dad:

I watch Star Trek to be engaged with the scientific discoverys made, I watch Mission Impossible to pretend I'm an undercover agent. Now all I get from this prick is a dark emo diaster fantasy slash superhero movie for middle aged men who like to play with dragons and a bad one at that.


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I watch Star Trek to be engaged with the scientific discoverys made, I watch Mission Impossible to pretend I'm an undercover agent. Now all I get from this prick is a dark emo diaster fantasy slash superhero movie for middle aged men who like to play with dragons and a bad one at that.

I think you AT THE VERY LEAST partly nailed it.

Lots of movies recently which are aimed at large audience as well as overseas, has been «leveled from the bottom», for the sole purpose of pleasing everybody and not hurting anyone, which ends up often in very unrealistic, often too humorous and childish acting. it's like having given up on leadership not to hurt anyone. In the original star wars, there were lots of quircks, but at least you were drawn in indeed...

Also everything just goes so fast that there are no time to build nuances between the character, which are pretty much all stereotyped, which again makes for very childish and unrealitic plot.

Not to mention almost every scene (in the 2 newest star wars anyway) everything is lined up so well, all the planets are are aligned in favor of the main character...it's like they are superhumans or something...or they just are super duper lucky and are granted to live....angain very unrealistic.

like i said, it's like producers only want to target the largest possible market....well they probably do given how big the profits are usually...
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Joined 2017
Yep kids are the easiest to brainwash. As a result the older fans get the rear end admiral.

J.J Abrams knows that he is there to build a new franchise and not build on the old one. Ever since the year 2000 clocked over every movie has focused on attracting new customers and pushing out the old ones as quickly as possible by adding CGI to everything, its revolting.

And ever notice how the interiors of houses these days are so perfect and uncluttered and full of brand name items that you can buy right now at your local store? They are so clean that nobody can ever possibly live in them, If you actually lived in this house you would have to bring one newspaper in from the outside while taking the old one out to the garbage bin outside.

People these days are having an orgy over renovating their homes in the exact fashion that is displayed in todays movies and they are going broke doing it. There is more white marble in homes now than there ever was before. Whatever happened to good old fasioned Brown wood and Vinyl floors? In my childhood house we had speckled marble countertops, cork floors and wooden kitchen furnishings. Now if you watch a movie its nothing but White marble in the kitchens and a "spacious, open plan living area with a fireplace and a huge window".

Whatever happened to originality? Doing what you want to do to your own home? People have gone NUTS for the open plan living areas! I hate them! I don't want to see my mum when I'm just exiting a bathroom, I might have morning wood!

Seriously when it comes to interior decoration as soon as the movie Home Alone came out everyone went NUTS for interior decoration based upon what a movie is supposed to tell you what a house looks like. Ever since the 80s everyone has wanted what the movies show. But I'm sure it began a lot earlier than this in the US, here in Australia we didn't start renovating homes until the early 90s rolled around.

Just take a look at the movie Trains, Planes and Automobiles. An imperfect rental car, an imperfect couple of people, overweight, realistic, an imperfect hotel room, an imperfect airport with cars in the car park, an imperfect road.

And another movie, Back to The Future 2, a malfunctioning view screen, an imperfect family, not commiting serious crimes such as murder kind of family but one which was shaped by a break and enter and theft.

And another movie, Groundhog Day, someone walks in and hits Bill Murray on the back of the head with a snow shovel. You wouldn't see that funny **** in today's movie, its a small fact that would get blown over by the modern day Borg directors as "irrelevance", "won't boost sales, remove it.".

I miss original special effects aswell. Now its just CGI, I hate CGI. I never thought I would say that in the 90s but ever since 2003 rolled around movies became abhorrently distasteful and full of artificial skin tones in alien characters which look like they are plastic puppets made out of polygons more than a realistic alien lifeform. If I wanted to see CGI I would play a video game not watch a movie.

Movies used to be works of art, now they are video game demos.

Take the original Jabba the Hut for example, perfect example of a cheesy but believable alien character which allowed our imaginations to fill in the gaps and fantasize internally by using our imaginations to add to the effect of seeing an alien life form for the first time. Same with E.T The Extra Terrestrial.

However if you replace Jabba the Hut with a CGI character you not only take away the internalised imaginary fantasy by making the character the shape of a "perfect" cgi effect made from digitized plastic, but you also take away the fact that the room contains a character in the room that is being filmed, your mind knows that the character is CGI because your mind has seen CGI before in video games so therefore to my mind it is just a CGI character that is being painted on the screen as a 2 dimensional image, like a hole in the film on your television screen that has been taken up by a menu on your television.

And it gets a thousand times worse whenever I view a fully made CGI scene like in the new Star Trek: Discovery series, despite it looking realistic its NOT realistic! I know that humanity hasn't gone into space that far! I know its fake and made in a computer! You would have to be extremely delusional or a child to think that these modern movies are based upon anything but complete ********.

I could get the same effect by pressing the menu button on my remote and sitting there for 2 hours watching the menu being displayed on my screen. I could get the same effect by booting up a computer and playing a video game.

However in the old movies there was no CGI when Luke Skywalker pulled his TIE-Fighter out of the swamp using only his mind, there was no CGI when Yoda walked around with a walking stick, it was all puppetry. WHO CARES if Yoda moves around a bit on Luke's back as he jogs! Its just a movie!

There is another more sinister and stressful side to watching a movie these days too. Most times these days CGI can be too real, and yet in the same frame I know that its fake too, so there is no point at all to watching it at all, I get no pleasure in watching a CGI scene take place because I both know that it is fake and I also at the same time know that it is somebody's corpse being enveloped by fire and melted. And the worst part of it is they increase the animation rate of the natural order and speed at which fire burns in real life, or water moves in real life, or the speed at which a person is killed, or the speed at which a car crash occurs, or the speed at which any natural mechanism takes place, in a modern scifi film the sky is blackened within a few seconds, in real life it would take many days.

There is no attatchment to the basic fundamental physical processes that are present in the real world in movies today. None at all.

People must be on some serious drugs to get off on the level and speed of action and disaster and shrapnel and CGI that is present in movies these days. You must be all out of your minds! Watching a movie these days for me is extremely stressful because I am stressed out far more than I am enjoying a film. I don't want to watch a persons body (who I had just learnt 5 minutes earlier was a glorious warrior who has slain thousands) become decapitated within a second. That is unrealistic no matter what you think.

It takes time to move a sword around.
It takes time for water to envelop someone. (Think of a remake of Titanic, or the Blob, if "The Birds" were remade I'm 100% sure that the birds would become supersonic!)
It takes time for cars to go around a corner, or stop, or accelerate, or disintegrate.
It takes time for spacecraft to disintegrate, for a warp core to explode, for a corpse to be flung out of an airlock.
It takes time for human beings to come up with a plan and to figure things out and figure out what to do next, it doesn't take a single conversation, it takes deliberation, it takes a ready room meeting of the senior officers to come to a descision on what to do.

Anyway thats my rant for now. I'll be forever stuck in the 80s-90s I guess and I'm perfectly happy there for now.

To sum it up in a few words, I don't like being told that CGI is real and I don't like being brainwashed into buying a new house or a product in a film just because it looks good when that actor holds it just right. I'm all about functionality, budget, life expectancy.

Oh yeah James Bond has become completely unrelatable, If I was a secret agent I wouldn't be as sad as he is. I would be a secret agent! It would be the coolest job in the world! that is what we have lost in movies, that flight of fantasy that we used to get.
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This picture sums up JJ Abrams's films in that they are crashing and burning, he has bastardized every project he has ever touched, there goes the Star Wars franchise, There Goes the Star Trek franchise, There goes the Mission Impossible franchise. If I wanted to see a bunch of 20-something actors running around acting emo I would watch South Park, Or Family Guy, or (God forbid) American Dad:

I watch Star Trek to be engaged with the scientific discoverys made, I watch Mission Impossible to pretend I'm an undercover agent. Now all I get from this prick is a dark emo diaster fantasy slash superhero movie for middle aged men who like to play with dragons and a bad one at that.

I don't play jar jar abrams crap feast films no more. jar jar abrams trolled us at the cinemas but no, no more money from me. He can sodden well go and make video games and cram them where the twin-suns don't shine.

jar jar abrams and disney movies go into the cat litter as crap films.

I'd rather watch JAWS 3, 6 times each night than another jar jar abrams crap feast. :mad:


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Guardians of the Galaxy
Liked it enough to want to see the sequel

At least as much fun as the first, left lots of room for at least one or two sequels.

I’ve also recently seen the last three Star Wars, and personal preferred Rogue to the others, but either of the Guardians to any of those. Maybe after a few more the bloom might fade from the rose?

Sorta an unspoken thing

p.s. - Andy, we get it
Thursday night, watched my favorite movie, from 1968, before I was born, "The Lion In Winter". Peter O 'Toole, Katherine Hepburn, Timothty Dalton, and Anthony Hopkins, great dialogue, great story, and of course great performances. This is a must see movie for people who love movies and great acting. Aperiod piece, small set, and giant characters.