Bob Cordell's Power amplifier book

Indeed, Scott ;-)
And it is a pity, don't you think ?
This discussion of the causes of distortion in input stages and the means of remedying them promised to be interesting. Here the subject turns into a rooster's fight.
I believe you may have some insights on the subject. If I remember well, you are the author of a *very low* distortion OPA, the AD797 right ?
And, apart LTP, you were one of the first to design a CFA ( AD524 ?). So, may-be some idea on how to improve it there too ?

It's in their nature. But without the rooster we have no eggs.
Model the input impedance. 20Hz to 20kHz should be enough as a first estimate. What you have then is called Transfer Linearity. Even in a shunt feedback, input inclusive situation that matters because the effective feedback resistors are not linear with frequency any more. This is mostly a high frequency phenomenon and distortion rises with frequency if the Transfer Linearity is compromised.
Only a person living under a rock would think that was just a simple question.
C'mon now, let's keep it polite.

There are numerous examples. Here are just a couple, where my work preceded yours and there was no reference to my book.

In your chapter 13 on "output inclusive compensation" (TMC) and 2-pole compensation my book is not referenced at all, in spite of the extensive coverage of those two topics; yet you included an obscure reference to a DIY thread.
Well, I think that topic was beaten to death here some years ago.

In your chapter 22 on thermal compensation you did not reference my book in spite of the extensive thermal simulation modeling in my preceding book.

Not perhaps the best choice as an example. My thermal simulation work was first published in May and June 1996, in Electronics World. It then appeared in every edition of APAD from the start. Your book was published in 2011, and the the thermal stuff is totally derived from mine. For example, your Fig 14.21 is clearly derived from my Fig 8 in the May article. I only reference original work.

In your brief chapter on Class D amplifiers, you made no reference to my book, which contained 5 chapters on Class D amplifiers that condensed a lot of scattered class-D material into readable form, in spite of 17 references to scattered material.

As I said, I only reference original work.

My references to your book were fair and appropriate. You did not invent everything, including the Thompson architecture that you took the liberty of terming Blameless.

I fear you miss the point. The Blamelessness of the amplifier is not due to the configuration (though that certainly helps, if you compare others) but attending to several detailed points of design, and making sure you attend to all of them. It's not just a configuration, it's also a philosophy for avoiding mistakes. Thus Blameless..

Virtually all of the features of your Blameless amplifier were conceived by linear IC op amp designers 50 years ago. Virtually all of the amplifiers you show, build or measure are merely variations on the Blameless.

That may or may not be so, but I don't think anyone would doubt that I was the first person to apply them to audio power amplifiers. The British Patent Office certainly thought so. Will your next edition have anything on crossover displacement?

I cover a great many more amplifier architectures, which I jokingly term "Selfless" :).

Go ahead. But I suggest you keep an eye on Chapter 8 of Audio Power Amplifier Design (6th edition) where it is shown (for, I believe the first time) that all the common approaches are unable to maintain the critically important balance in an input LTP, and unable to maintain a stable current through a bias generator. These are very real problems, as I assume you agree, and need solving in any amplifier that aims to be better than Blameless.

Yes, and I doubt that that amplifier achieves 0.001% THD at 20kHz full-power.

6 feet from my elbow is a Blameless that gives 0.0007% at full power at 20 kHz. It's had a tweak or two.

Once again, CM distortion is not the issue I have been chastizing you about; it is that dumb sharing of the LTP and VAS current sources you seem to use in virtually all of your amplifier examples.

Don't you think that topic is done to death too? You think you've found a mistake I've made, and you seem to be obsessed with it. If that's the only mistake in 700-page book, I wouldn't feel too bad. But since I draw attention to it and say 'I screwed up!' Here's how to fix it!' it is perhaps not appropriate to keep chastizing on about it.

And I still think that Politeness is the Privilege of Amplifier Designers. Dumb?

By the way, I've got a new book coming out in April....
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Disabled Account
Joined 2008
Hi Harry,

All that you have said here is exactly right. But whether the input current distortion is big enough to matter depends on the numbers - and the particular design, as you point out. The key question to me is which of these possible sources of input current distortion is the dominant one in a typical design. It would be nice to narrow this down, because then we would have insight on how to reduce it, rather than chasing improvements to reduce a non-dominant source of the distortion.

It is also wise, both in simulation and measurement, to confine the view to the front-end only (IPS, VAS, pre-drivers), since the presence of the output stage is usually a dominant source of distortion and usually the output stage has little to do with input current distortion. The presence of the output stage driving a load can also create many red herrings in measurements, like those measurements related to input current distortion. In most amplifiers I simulate and build, I center-tap the emitter-emitter pre-driver bias resistor and use it to provide feedback and close the loop to simulate or measure the amplifier in the absence of the output stage. This generally results in very low distortion numbers that will unmask other distortions like input current distortion.

It is so easy to build a very good tail current source that it seems foolish to even begin to talk about input current distortion without first setting the stage with a good tail current source. For this purpose, a properly-implemented feedback current source with 2 transistors and 2 resistors is all you need.


Exactly right.

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Joined 2008
Its still a CFA even with the added input buffer for balanced operation.

Not really that complex... just some cascodes around but still basic topology of CFA and some good techniques.


No it is not a CFA, but a VFA
I'm not talking about the "not needed" buffer, but how the whole circuit works.
I agree that it isn't an overall complex thing, but I think that it is unnessesary complex in some stages, I guess that is because you have to compensate for a "not a very good design"

All the best
No it is not a CFA, but a VFA

All the best

Reodor, you mean the buffer on the inverting input which when removed would put R1 (820 Ohms) to ground and the 22K Rf as the gain network? Yes, then this is not a CFA. The feedback is still buffered and changing gain by increasing or decreasing R1 does not change the open-loop transfer function of the main amplifier. H-bridge style amplifiers are not CFA's they are slew enhanced VFA's.
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Reodor, you mean the buffer on the inverting input which when removed would put R1 (820 Ohms) to ground and the 22K Rf as the gain network? Yes, then this is not a CFA. The feedback is still buffered and changing gain by increasing or decreasing R1 does not change the open-loop transfer function of the main amplifier. H-bridge style amplifiers are not CFA's they are slew enhanced VFA's.

Yes you are correct of course. I meant my CFA with added buffer at inverting input and it became VFA with all advantage of previous amp. This is possible to do with my amp just changing low impedance CFA feedback board with the other small board with the higher impedance feedback with buffered inverting input.

I think we had that discussion before with the same amp and it showed VFA behavior in a simulation.
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Disabled Account
Joined 2008
Reodor, you mean the buffer on the inverting input which when removed would put R1 (820 Ohms) to ground and the 22K Rf as the gain network? Yes, then this is not a CFA. The feedback is still buffered and changing gain by increasing or decreasing R1 does not change the open-loop transfer function of the main amplifier. H-bridge style amplifiers are not CFA's they are slew enhanced VFA's.

Exactly right.

C'mon now, let's keep it polite.

Well, I think that topic was beaten to death here some years ago.

Not perhaps the best choice as an example. My thermal simulation work was first published in May and June 1996, in Electronics World. It then appeared in every edition of APAD from the start. Your book was published in 2011, and the the thermal stuff is totally derived from mine. For example, your Fig 14.21 is clearly derived from my Fig 8 in the May article. I only reference original work.

As I said, I only reference original work.

I fear you miss the point. The Blamelessness of the amplifier is not due to the configuration (though that certainly helps, if you compare others) but attending to several detailed points of design, and making sure you attend to all of them. It's not just a configuration, it's also a philosophy for avoiding mistakes. Thus Blameless..

That may or may not be so, but I don't think anyone would doubt that I was the first person to apply them to audio power amplifiers. The British Patent Office certainly thought so. Will your next edition have anything on crossover displacement?

Go ahead. But I suggest you keep an eye on Chapter 8 of Audio Power Amplifier Design (6th edition) where it is shown (for, I believe the first time) that all the common approaches are unable to maintain the critically important balance in an input LTP, and unable to maintain a stable current through a bias generator. These are very real problems, as I assume you agree, and need solving in any amplifier that aims to be better than Blameless.

6 feet from my elbow is a Blameless that gives 0.0007% at full power at 20 kHz. It's had a tweak or two.

Don't you think that topic is done to death too? You think you've found a mistake I've made, and you seem to be obsessed with it. If that's the only mistake in 700-page book, I wouldn't feel too bad. But since I draw attention to it and say 'I screwed up!' Here's how to fix it!' it is perhaps not appropriate to keep chastizing on about it.

And I still think that Politeness is the Privilege of Amplifier Designers. Dumb?

By the way, I've got a new book coming out in April....

We agree to disagree. It is time to return to our regularly scheduled programming.

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Joined 2012
Yes you are correct of course. I meant my CFA with added buffer at inverting input and it became VFA with all advantage of previous amp. This is possible to do with my amp just changing low impedance CFA feedback board with the other small board with the higher impedance feedback with buffered inverting input.

I think we had that discussion before with the same amp and it showed VFA behavior in a simulation.

yes and I agree how it behaves externally as VFA but I choose to call it CFA with buffered input so the topology is other-wise under stood. We can agree to disagree on how you want to determine operation. It definitely isn't the Blameless topology.

The tests I refer to and showed THD, however, does Not use the buffered input version CFA->VFA but the UnBal version only is tested and used.

Though CMR can be improved, if desired, and diff input has potential to excel for CMR with Bal ips --- I have not found the added circuitry for Bal input to be needed in a rather benign home environment with relatively short interconnect lengths with preamp and PA gains significantly > 1.

In fact, I have Never used the Bal I/O on any of my home gear - ever.

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??? any one ???


I know this is probably a cop-out answer, but I think it depends on what is the dominant source of the input current distortion in the first place. For example, if the original input current distortion was basically due to the input-referred signal of the open-loop, and its distortion, then little improvement might be expected. By input-referred, I mean the signal current at the input of the amplifier to obtain the required output. This might be thought of as the open-loop transimpedance of the amplifier - just thinking out loud here.

On the other hand, if the input current distortion were the result of some shortcoming in the input stage, like a poor tail current source or junction capacitance effects, the even-order input current distortions might be canceled to some extent, depending on how well-matched the complementary parts of the input stage are, and how well-matched their shortcomings are.
