Deep Thoughts..

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Then wisely chose to walk a mile or so instead.

Unlike many people around here, I have no problem walking. I often go down to the walking trail and walk for a mile or 5 just to get out of the house, or if I hear the computer laughing at me, which it often does when I try to write code.

What I had been using was a kitchen funnel with about 10 inches of fuel line jammed over its spout.

Unlike any car I have ever owned the oil filler cap is located on the front of the engine block (not the usual valve cover) on a transversely mounted V6. My hand barely fits between the cylinder head and the radiator, so It needs to be a long skinny funnel, at least 10 inches tall, or a common funnel with an extension hose.
Heh. Just bought my very first bicycle helmet last week. Figured at age 60, I've pushed my luck far enough. Looked predictably stupid for about the first 5 minutes, after which I stopped caring.

One interesting finding: I tend to say hi, or at least nod to the people I pass on the bike path, with varying results. (Yeah, I'm one of those guys - sue me.)
Previously, wearing only my baseball cap, I seemed to get more acknowledgement from the other old cap-wearing dudes, and just a curt nod (if that) from the Spandex/helmeted crowd. Now that situation is reversed - I get noticeably more rhythm from the carbon-fiber iron men, and near-palpable contempt from the regular joes. Can't we all just get along?

P.S. Meanwhile, the women seem to be ignoring me at essentially the same rate as always.
Heh. Just bought my very first bicycle helmet last week. Figured at age 60, I've pushed my luck far enough. Looked predictably stupid for about the first 5 minutes, after which I stopped caring.

One interesting finding: I tend to say hi, or at least nod to the people I pass on the bike path, with varying results. (Yeah, I'm one of those guys - sue me.)
Previously, wearing only my baseball cap, I seemed to get more acknowledgement from the other old cap-wearing dudes, and just a curt nod (if that) from the Spandex/helmeted crowd. Now that situation is reversed - I get noticeably more rhythm from the carbon-fiber iron men, and near-palpable contempt from the regular joes. Can't we all just get along?

P.S. Meanwhile, the women seem to be ignoring me at essentially the same rate as always.

It does sound like the pre-helmet you would give the post-helmet you the same treatment.
People having opinions about other people will continue to happen as long as there are more than two of them in this world. Hair, dresscode, shoes, facial expressions, way of walking, anything you see on another person is enough to cause some silly and often unrealistic bias.

I like having my tools and stuff tidy, but it has to be a bit organized. Quite frequently it really is her who take my things away and put them in random drawers. After a long debate about which item is missing there's often a "oh, wait a minute, maybe I saw that somewhere..."

Adding a proverb to feel more in line with the thread, after searcing for one and selecting it from a long list.... :)
Beauty is whatever gives joy. - Edna St. Vincent Millay
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I say Hi or wave to everyone on the trail when I'm on a bicycle, and most respond in same. Young women jogging are the least likely to respond (lecherous old man waving at me!).

I've worn a helmet when bicycling for over 30 years. I have been hit by a car, and was glad I was wearing the helmet at the time as I only received a minor concussion due to the protection. The rest of my body did not fare as well.

Any more I avoid roads with automobiles.
I have been hit by a car....

In Toronto it's becoming a municipal sport. Just this week a driver cold stared me in the face and pulled left across my bike lane at the last possible second while I was doing ~25 mph. Riding through local parks they'll intentionally pass you, slow way down and go into the other lane to prevent you from passing again.
Most events aren't this egregious but they are regular and common. Expect them every ride. A healthy survival instinct keeps the reflexes sharp.
I would have ridden a bicycle. Much faster, until you get hit by a car......Any more I avoid roads with automobiles.

I, likewise. I have had 5 events in which I, on a bike, made contact with a car. 4 were before the age of 15, and could have been considered my fault.....Hey I was a kid that only knew one fast as I could go.

The 5th event occurred about 15 years ago. I was crossing a 6 lane road in the cross walk WITH the "walk" light when an elderly man who was stopped in the left turn lane at the red light decided to pull forward into the cross walk directly into my path. I slammed into the right front wheel area which launched me over the handlebars and onto his hood. He then belted the brakes depositing me onto the pavement in the path of the cars on the other 6 lane road. A car made a panic stop about 5 feet from me, and out stepped a uniformed police officer (most credible witness).

In a typical miscarriage of justice / city politics, I was cited by the city police for "causing an accident" then sued by the old guy's insurance company for the $2500 in damages that my body did to his Nissan Maxima. It took almost a year to fix that mess and the credible witness was the only reason for my success.......the old guy was an ex city councilman in that city.

The road from town out to where I live now is the typical twisty mountain road with a drainage ditch along one side and a steep slope on the other. Road maintenance? What's that? There are places where the pavement has slipped away, down the slope. Visibility around corners is zero, so it is no place for a bicycle. At least on foot I can walk in the ditch if needed.

Figured at age 60, I've pushed my luck far enough.

I'll be 65 in a few weeks. My bicycle "luck" has already been used up. I have two bikes, a mountain bike and a recumbent. I ride them on the trails or in sanctioned events only.

Don't **** against the wind.

Or on an electric fence!
David Sylvian - I Drink To Forget - YouTube

Well recorded (by Youtube standards) by far too boring for my tastes.

Update, I wasted a page of comments over a couple of funnels that went missing.......they have been found.

It seems that someone, probably my daughter, thinks that a pair of dirty funnels that have been used with motor oil were acceptable pool toys for the grandkids. They were found in the toy box yesterday when she brought them over to play in the pool. No clue what happened to the 17mm socket.
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