John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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Joined 2004
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I am afraid these are mostly speculations. I measured the ESS DAC together with good implementations of another DACs (like AD, Asahi Kasei) and there were no special artifacts in "conventional" DACs. I have no speculative and oversimplified explanation.

There is more to the final output than the DAC chip. As Jan said folks like Weiss and others have chosen ESS for flagship products, I doubt the complete solutions all have an obvious "shortcoming" for all listeners. I couldn't say I heard any major difference between ESS and AD reference designs. Taking the bite out of Nick Cave is not something I would classify as subtle.
As in all things audio sometimes the only reason I think some are using the ESS dac chips is due to their high cost and high expectations. I see so many of those comments in other threads about how someone is using a cheap dac chip so it must be inferior to the ESS chips since they cost many multiples of many other chips. As always a fashion statement and bragging rights go far with many in this hobby.
AX tech editor
Joined 2002
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Costs? Are you joking?

ESS basically designs the DAC for you, you just have to put it in something... that extra $10 basically eliminates R&D for companies making 'OK' products.

Are you? $ 10 extra parts cost is HUGE in this cost-competitive market. It can mean the difference between $199 or $ 239 and that is a BIG disadvantage!

Are you? $ 10 extra parts cost is HUGE in this cost-competitive market. It can mean the difference between $199 or $ 239 and that is a BIG disadvantage!


Yes but the product markup could be half of what it was if the R&D is extensive.

By the way for the vinyl lovers, seeking good sound without a fortune.

Get this disc and play the demagnetising track (10x). I don't believe the stock cartridges are taken well enough care to not need it from the get go.
Nobody is paying an additional $10.00 to add an ESS chip to a cell phone, that is nuts! When your talking millions of phones every penny is being counted and evaluated. If you added a $10.00 dollar item to a Harman/JBL product that would raise the end price by $100.00, not going to happen for any company who is seriously producing high volume products.
Joined 2014
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I think there are a number of us, myself DEFINITELY included, that struggle appreciating these kinds of economies of scale and the world of consumer electronics (outside the bespoke level).
I spent 11 years at Nokia and it still does my head in!

Producing custom silicon for phones these days must cause many uclers and sleepless nights. Huge investment in development using hairy processes, but sales price per unit in cents and only one visit from the fsck up fairy and you've blown profit for the line.
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