200W IRS2092 Amp for $20

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Hmm. The "specs" on the amp (such as they are) say "8A" max. So it will give only 200W at 4 ohm load (before..? Limiting, exploding?), so hold back on the drive when running the Abeltec and 4ohms with it. The 56V supplies could give current peak of 16A.

I got the power supplies and there are a bunch of unlabeled headers. Did you ever figure out the pin diagram on these supplies?
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Dual IRS2092 monoblocks and 450watt Abletec PS

Here is my quick and dirty test amp: XPS foam base, all soldered connections, 5-way binding posts for speaker connections, and RCA cable/jacks for input (perfect for miniDSP).

Here is a closeup of the amp:


Here is my test rig, a Beta 8CX in XKi box run as woofer only and PRV 5MR450NDY in Hypercube run full range as mid/tweeter. The Beta 8cx can handle 250 watts and the 5MR450NDY can handle 225 watts so I should be safe. The PRV needs to be high passed at 275Hz to take full power. I am using a small pro 12 channel mix console as a pre-amp from a CD player. I could not turn the volume up past 9 o'clock without hurting my ears. The VU lights on the mixer were barely blinking. This thing rocks! This amps sounds very clean and clear - extremely low distortion. Very nice 2-channel 200 watt setup for $60 in parts.


Highly recommended that you get those buyout Abletec's at PE while they last. These IRS2092's have a very neutral sound. Up until now I have been playing with 50 watt amps, having a 200w amp that doesn't break a sweat with distortion is really nice to have. :)


  • IRS2092-amp-build.PNG
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  • IRS2092-amp-testing.PNG
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My IRS2092 is the one from LJM
Connexelectronic also have a good IRS2092 based amplifier (maybe better)
I suggest Connexelectronic power supplies. Very robust and strong.

How do you like the LJM IRS2092?

LJM's amp is essentially a modified IRAUDAMP7 design. Connex's amp is the shop owner's own design (I forgot his name, is it Chris?). I think both are fine. This is the Connex PSU I am thinking of getting when I order the IRS2092 amps:
500 W continuous (at +-60V) should be sufficient. right?
Well, by the time it get to my door, it will cost at least 100$ (shipping, tax, duty etc.). The Abletec PS is a pretty good deal. However, shipping +tax+duty will cost another forty something $, adding to a total of sixty something from Parts Exp. The amps are relatively cheap compare to the PSU

BTW, LJM has a linear PS board which looks interesting:
µçÔ´°åÌ×¼þ L20D ÅäÌ× É¢¼þ-ÌÔ±¦Íø
A lot of soldering and a transformer is needed, but should work well too.

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No safety instructions with the Abletec ? All the cabling dropped upon HV parts open frame 900W SMPS, all looking like speaker cables too. Looks very unsafe to me.

Instructions here: http://www.parts-express.com/pedocs/specs/129-147-parts-express-specifications.pdf

Speaker cables are used exactly for that - speaker level connections. +/-53 volts is speaker level voltage for a high power amp and is used to connect rail power supplies from SMPS to amp, and from amp to binding posts. 3-prong grounded line AC cable is used to connect wall jack to SMPS input AC. What is your issue about cables being unsafe? That I soldered them directly to headers instead of using a header receptacle jack? Each soldered joint has an individual heat shrink tubing insulation. Both the SMPS PS and amp are protected and have auto shutdown in event of short. The SMPS is fused, you just need to stay clear of any exposed line AC electrical parts. So any box would be better than no-box, I just haven't gotten there yet as this was to get up to testing quickly.

You tell me what you would do differently, other than encasing it in a metal box that is grounded (and in keeping with the budget theme, I am not going to spend $100 to $200 on a metal box for an amp):

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Looks goiod to me for a quick test. Glad it seems to work well. Abletec stuff has a pretty good rep for design and build.

I broke down and ordered a pair of the amps, that was before I saw the 350W modules. Still tempted by those, too. Though I have zero use for any of them really! I think my brain is still conditioned from when I was 18 and lusted after 20W amps, all that power!
I think one of the comments meant > cable routing could easily be better as an example to other members for not much $
the secondary voltages are over 100V , and wouldn't trust my life against the words "designed to various safety standards" for primary to secondary insulation. Trace the UL numbers for proof. w/o care both loads can easily lead to exceeding the PS steady state rating. Eg. given the extraordinary high surge rating you lose some protection there. I realize it's a 1st test but still you showing certain images that may lead other member to be cavalier. Testing at these higher types of power, voltage levels for fire and shock safety is a little more than playing music. EDIT keep an open mind to the idea by saving a couple of bucks, cut a few corners here , there, could end up in fact, costing you a whole lot more.
It is not a 900W supply just read the fine print closer and understand the implications before finalizing a build plan.
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Thank you XRK

It is meant to be mounted inside of an enclosure of course ..... Properly secured inside of an enclosure it is perfectly safe where fingers cannot possibly touch supply components ...

A power supply and two boards mounted into a tidy cabinet makes for a compact, high powered and highly efficient set for very little cost ...

For the skeptics: this is really not too good to be true, these supplies are surplus and availability could dry up at any time (especially now that X has announced that they work well will IRS2092 amps!;) )

It is possible that the Connex supply may use higher quality parts, but it also three times the price so i would hope that it truly does use better components or it is not as good a value....... Currently the Abletec supply is an unknown in terms of reliability and quality because there is not much said about this model online, no reviews to read (at least none that i could find) etc etc
XRK is highly capable and i cannot think of anyone better qualified to test these supplies out and report back with his observations to the DIY community! :)

Ok, so here is an idea:
X is doing all of us DIY folks a favor right now, and he should be praised (or at least thanked) instead of all of these negative posts shooting down his idea regarding a product that nobody here has even tried except for Xrk971 himself ... Lets keep an open mind ..
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