John Curl's Blowtorch preamplifier part II

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I bought a set of the 1st series Bybees, btw

I started to think that you are the target market :D

I read some latest posts of Cal's thread. Eagertrader (post#192) could definitely hear the difference. If that is true, then it is an "effect box". There must be situation where the effect is negative, and there must be a situation where the effect is positive.

He used a line conditioner. I suggest to remove the line conditioner and check if the effect is positive. Then compare the price of a line conditioner and the device under test :)
If you engineer the design correctly you would make all feedback loops etc. minimum distance, not 30cm.... 300mm is what light would travel in 1ns, on a PCB you are looking at approx. half that distance, 150mm... Again all these factors are taken into account by a competent engineering team. So feedback loops are to be of minimum loop area and as short as possible, not always seen in audio fashion design....

Esperado is not interested in PCB design. When he has a design to implement he gives it to the PCB designer.
Jay said:
May be because you are attacking the person instead of explaining correctly what he is trying to explain.
I was not attacking anyone. I was attacking the false idea that there is controversy. To have controversy you need two or more sides each with evidence (and/or plausible explanations) for their view. You don't create a controversy by stating (without evidence) that something is true and then demanding that others disprove you. You don't create a controversy by stating (without evidence) that something is true and then protesting when others tell you it is known to be false.

Of course, usually you cannot explain either, because you also HAVE NO IDEA or you don't experience the phenomenon.
Until the audio phenomenon has been shown to exist, there is nothing to explain. I admit that I have no idea what might cause people to believe something which violates known circuit theory (e.g. silver wire sounds different from copper wire). I do have ideas about other issues, such as why poorly constructed but expensive cables wired between poorly designed but expensive equipment can sound different from good systems.

But most of the time, you assume that you know everything, and when you don't experience the same phenomenon then you assume that it doesn't exist.
No. I assume I know some things. If I experienced the same phenomenon I would assume I was fooling myself.

Some people have an expectation that cables (etc.) should sound different; they take their perceived experience as supporting this. I have an expectation that all competent cables should sound the same; I take known theory as supporting this. Note that it is not my theory, but our theory.

Worse, you assume that those who experience it are having hallucination and suddenly, instead of becoming Physics expert (who should be able to explain), you become an expert in Psychology and Neurology.
I don't think I have ever accused someone of experiencing auditory hallucinations, but I suppose it is possible. I think expectation bias, combined with a weak grasp of circuit theory, is a more likely explanation. Also, poor equipment design. Anyway, you need to decide whether you seek explanations from me or not; you appear to complain when I don't offer an explanation and then complain when I do.

But I know a lot of people that when they experience something, they try to explain it with Physics even tho they know nothing about Physics.
Sadly that is true. When they don't know enough physics (or any physics) they usually 'invent' some new physics. Sometimes they realise they are doing this, and sometimes they don't. In either case a physicist (and some chemists etc.) knows they are talking nonsense, so it would be better for them if they kept quiet and left us all to guess.

Esperado said:
On an pure scientific point of view, you begin with an example where YOU are wrong. There is a delay. Because of the speed of the light (or speed of electric transmission) and the length of the signal+feedback path.

Let say 30cm, it makes a delay of ~0.1 nanosecond, if I'm not mistaken.
Now, i will agree that the phase turn that is induced at our audio frequencies (< 10 MHz) by this delay will not have a great influence. But, if you want to take a position of "scientist" or work on GPS satellites, better to be rigorous.
The delay is completely and utterly irrelevant to audio. Sorry, I have now been tautological. People who speak of this delay usually think it is much greater, or confuse the effect of a filter with true delay.

The way to discoveries is:
1- Observation.
2- Measurement.
3- Find a Explanation.
Any reference to "Accepted by all" theories can lead-you to pretend the earth is flat and Sun turns around.
Real science is not quite as neat as that. However, I agree that measurement is needed - something which is markedly lacking from the 'true believers'. Explanations, when offered, are usually brushed aside - the 'believers' want to believe that they have discovered something new and esoteric, something hidden from conventional engineering.

As I have said before, it is the 'true believers' who act like the Flat Earth brigade. They believe their personal perceptions carry more weight than proper measurements: the earth looks flat to me so it must be flat.
You talking about yourself here?

No. I found a mistake in the way some of us here think: let some arbitrary one do the test, and then draw conclusion based on his result.

So, I expect someone who knows a lot to have the final word, whether case is closed, or still need further investigation.

That question is a pre-requisite because if you know the mechanism how that unwanted signal can get into the speaker then we can expect that you know how to prevent that very mechanism.
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Well, there are transformers and then there are transformers.
See table on page 41.
Another paper by the same author:

In comparision, Agilent says their HFBR parts have jitter under 1ns.

That is cetainly true as I have used some and still have some pulse transformers that are nanosec Tr. Not made by or used by HP/Agilant. A cheap-o Cd player is another thing.

What does AES et al say jitter must be less than to be inaudible?

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Anyone who says that RF can't get into a speaker cable just hasn't experienced that. I have for years with not only my audio system but also things like phones and even my TV.

In my case I live directly line of sight within less than 100 yards from a major broadcast tower covered with all types of antenna. I can power up very quietly a high efficiency set of speakers like a fox hole radio, no amplification necessary. I can take a pair of wires and attach it to the sliding glass door frame directly behind the speakers and power up the speaker enough to listen to the radio station.

Now there is no mystery to what is happening, the RF is just overpowering the filtering that would normally be fine in anybody else house. From amplifier output to the speakers is more than 10 meters on one side and abut 8 meters on the other, so I have extremely long wire runs to pick up that signal. The wires were placed in the walls before they were closed up while building the house, they are twisted pair Belden wire of 16 gauge if I remember correctly. It just isn't good enough to do the job and get rid of all the RF.

Since I have lived here on and off for more than 40 years and so have many other neighbors and we have all been bombarded with this level of RF for so many years and there is not a cluster of brain cancers going on here this makes me question all those anecdotal statements that a cell phone next to your head will cause cancer, I and a bunch of us have been very passive lab rats in this long term study you could say. Rumors and myths are hard to stop, and disproving a negative as is said makes some of the claims in audio just have a life of their own.
I don't think I have ever accused someone of experiencing auditory hallucinations, but I suppose it is possible.

The next time someone throws the word "hallucination" at you, remind them that a center-panned instrument sounds like it's coming from a point in space where there's no loudspeaker- is that a "hallucination" or is it just the brain being fooled?
Real science is not quite as neat as that. However, I agree that measurement is needed - something which is markedly lacking from the 'true believers'. Explanations, when offered, are usually brushed aside - the 'believers' want to believe that they have discovered something new and esoteric, something hidden from conventional engineering.


However, there are also true believers who think, believe and breathe the thesis that if two amps measure the same, then they ARE the same. As in fact Julian Hirsch of Hirsch-Hook Labs wrote in the late 70ies, resulting in his virtual ostracism from the mainstream audio media.

Can I prove the fallacy of this? Easily to whoever drops in for some coffe and a listen, I'll put the Philips AH280 power amp against the Marantz 170DC power amp, they have very similar published specs and are of very similar power outputs. Two completely different sounds. Available choices of preamps, digital or analog sources, easy to drive or nor so easy to drive speakers, pick your own poison. With or without power line filitering (sorry, no Bybee available).
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Esperado is not interested in PCB design. When he has a design to implement he gives it to the PCB designer.
All wrong. In fact, it was a passion since the beginning (in the early 70). And my artwork was appreciated enough to be in charge of it. (see the image)
At this time, we had no computers to help us.
Now, when i see the artwork of people like AlexMM, who am-i to think i could do better ? (


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Richard, how did you connect the loudspeaker (load) ground wire, to the PCB connector or to the common star ground?
I don't expect higher distortion with the amp assembled in the proper case and with proper power and ground wiring.
BR Damir

It isnt your pcb grounding system..... its the A-P and PC connected to the amp/A-P. Everything gets floated. [jumpered signal ground to spkr ground for test]

The heat sink is Still too small IMO. So, if I want to listen to it, I'll have to order larger heat sinks. Guess, I'll just go to a large chassis with heat sinks on sides next.

I especially like the fact that the thd doesnt change very much at various power levels and frequencies and stays below -100dB.

Checking 4 Ohm next.

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